Thursday, April 26, 2007

CrossFit Sydney What is CrossFit??

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Aquatic Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Personal Training Sport or Goal Specific Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

What is CrossFit?

The CrossFit protocol is designedby G&L Glassman.
We believe it is ideal base conditioning for people who are looking for a challenaging yet rewarding fitness program for life or for people who actively engage in outdoor pursuits or have intense phsyical challenage as part of their vocation.
CrossFit produces what we believe to be a truly functional fitness level that is highly transferable to all athletic pursuits as well as daily physical tasks.
Crossfit is a foundational Core and Conditioning program that seeks to elicit as broad as adaptation response as possible utilizing training formats derived from Gymnastics, Olympic Weight Lifting, Sprinting and Combat disciplines.
Individuals within the program develop greater understanding of applying force while maximizing strength to weight ratio and functional range of movement. Enhancing individual’s competency in physical tasks by improving Cardiovascular and Respiratory Endurance, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Agility, Coordination and Balance.
What results is the ability to apply strength and power in real world environments and or sports providing either a stand alone conditioning routine or a platform for sport specific performance.
What Crossfit isn’t!
We are not a Hypertrophy or Curves program centered on making you look good in underwear! (Although this may be a result)
We are not Psychiatrists!
We are not a Knitting Group!

For Time
400m Run
40kg OH Squat 15 reps

CrossFit Sydney Credo

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Aquatic Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Personal Training Sport or Goal Specific Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

You may talk about Crossfit
You are not your WOD Time
You are not your Dead Lift Number
You are not your 5min Snatch
No One Wins a WO
You seek Intensity over Duration
Everyone will experience Attrition
If the WO was easy you didn't WO
If this is your first WO, you must complete as Recommended

For Rds
30kg Hang Squat Clean 12reps
7 Pull Ups

CrossFit Sydney Ranking WOs

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Aquatic Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Personal Training Sport or Goal Specific Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

Ranking WOs

Constantly varied programming built from functional exercises executed at high intensity is the key to CrossFit’s physiological advantage. Our distillation of load, range of motion, exercise, power, work, line of action, flexibility, speed, and all pertinent metabolics to a single value – usually time.
Public performance ranking in group sessions for each workout has seen the motivation and acceleration of improvement of those less physically capable by temperament, training, or natural limitation. Ranking has seemingly done more for bottom performers than top performers.
The skill elements included in CrossFit Conditioning furthers the sense of sport that so motivates individuals. CrossFit feels like sport!

For Time
30 Muscles Ups

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

CrossFit Sydney Chasing the Power Ratio

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Personal Training Sport or Goal Specific Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

Chasing the Power Ratio

Why we train to maximize the Power to Mass Ratio.

Power = Work/Time
Work = Force x distance

Power involves more then just this formula entails. Power is functional strength expressed in terms of acceleration, execution time or velocity in a given motor skill or kinetic chain rather then isolated exercise. Power is to generate/apply force, which requires other key areas of agility, speed, reaction and range of movement.
Increasing Power means to increase other areas of motor skill and kinetic movement such as relative strength, speed, agility and range of movement. The training of these key factors goes together to increase both Aerobic and Anaerobic capacity by focusing on the interrelated Energy Systems of the Phosphagen and Fast & Slow Glycolysis.
Regardless of your Goals increasing your power ratio will aid competency in movement and performance.

For Time
10-1 reps of
Deadlift 1 1/2 BW
Bench Press BW
Power Clean 3/4 BW

Record Overall Time

CrossFit Sydney KettleBells?

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Personal Training Sport or Goal Specific Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

Want to get a KB?
Talk to us.

Tools of the Trade: KettleBells

KettleBells are a weight device designed for high rep ballistic moves that involve the whole body. Originally from Russia they were weights used on scales to calculate loads. Now it is a sport in its own right with competitions held in the Clean& Jerk Double and Single and Snatch Double and Single. Competitions are generally set for time and maximum repetitions of the designated move.
For CrossFit, KettleBells are an excellent tool to learn whole body ballistic movement. Its design of a thick handle removed from a compact center of mass creates an ideal tool for ballistic and dynamic movement.

Conditioning comes from the deceleration of the movement. Dynamic movements such as the KB Swing load the hip muscles developing core strength, hip thrust and conditioning the important posterior chain. The offset center of gravity means that each time KB is lifted, the grip and core must work to fight the pull of the weight.

KB use goes well beyond dynamic and ballistic work, with many functional presses such as the Sotts, Bottoms Ups, Palm Press all providing excellent variety in unilateral work.

In Short the KB is an indispensable tool in Functional S&C Training as well as a lot of fun.

For Time
50 Wall Ball
50 Chin Ups
35 Wall Ball
35 Chin Ups
20 Wall Ball
20 Chin Ups

Record Overall Time

CrossFit Sydney Functional Strength

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Personal Training Sport or Goal Specific Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

Functional Strength Conditioning
Functional Strength and Conditioning is the productive application of force. Your productive force applied may be picking up the grand kids,another persons,removing rocks from a garden.
Regardless, productive application of force in training formats is represented perfectly in functional movement patterns. So we mimic in training the most efficient motor recruitment patterns found in everyday life. Functional Strength training therefore becomes more then a method of simply increasing contractile capacity/strength.
Strength is the muscle’s ability to generate large levels of force. Increased force is directly proportional to the cross sectional area of the muscle. Strength as productive force requires in application, agility balance and coordination.
Power is the ability to move large mass though a set range of motion in short period of time. Productive Power or Applied power is to understand acceleration in movement.
Power, speed and strength have essential coordination, accuracy, agility and balance components.
Functional strength training seeks to address all the related issues of relative power & strength in each session.

Function Strength and Conditioning formats should increase the work capacity across broad time and modal domains and produce transferable adaptation of the above aspects.
If your current S&C format does not address these issues then try the Method.

OverHead Squat

Rest >2min between attempts

Record Loads

Sunday, April 22, 2007

CrossFit Sydney O Lifts

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Personal Training Sport or Goal Specific Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

O Lifts
The Olympic lifts are based on the deadlift, clean, squat, and jerk. These movements are the starting point for any serious weight-training program. In fact they should serve as the core of your resistance training throughout your life. Why the deadlift, clean, squat, and jerk? Because these movements elicit a profound neurodendocrine response. That is, they alter you hormonally and neurologically. The changes that occur through these movements are essential to athletic development. Most of the development that occurs as a result of exercise is systemic and a direct result of hormonal and neurological changes.

5 Rds
Max Reps Body Weight Narrow Grip Bench Press
Max Reps Strict Chin Ups

Rest >2min between Exercises
Record Reps for each Rd

Thursday, April 19, 2007

CrossFit Sydney Spreading the Word

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Personal Training Sport or Goal Specific Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

Spreading the Word
The CrossFit methodology depends on full disclosure of methods, results, and criticisms, and we’ve employed the Internet (and various intranets) to support these values. Our charter is open source, making co-developers out of participating coaches, athletes, and trainers through a spontaneous and collaborative online community. CrossFit is empirically driven, clinically tested, and community developed.
G Glassman

For Time
Run 800m
50 Sit Ups
50 Back Extensions

CrossFit Sydney Adaptations

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Personal Training Sport or Goal Specific Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

Our commitment to evidence-based fitness, publicly posting performance data, co-developing our program in collaboration with other coaches, and our open-source charter in general has well positioned us to garner important lessons from our program—to learn precisely and accurately, that is, about the adaptations elicited by CrossFit programming. What we’ve discovered is that CrossFit increases work capacity across broad time and modal domains. This is a discovery of great import and has come to motivate our programming and refocus our efforts. This far-reaching increase in work capacity supports our initially stated aims of building a broad, general, and inclusive fitness program. It also explains the wide variety of sport demands met by CrossFit as evidenced by our deep penetration among diverse sports and endeavors. We’ve come to see increased work capacity as the holy grail of performance improvement and all other common metrics like VO2 max, lactate threshold, body composition, and even strength and flexibility as being correlates—derivatives, even. We’d not trade improvements in any other fitness metric for a decrease in work capacity.

For Time
500m Row
30kg Hang Power Snatch

Record Overall Time

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

CrossFit Sydney How to do CrossFit?

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Personal Training Sport or Goal Specific Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

How to do CrossFit?

Learn the mechanics of fundamental movements; establish a consistent pattern of practicing these same movements, and, only then, ratchet up the intensity of workouts incorporating these movements. "Mechanics," then "Consistency," and then "Intensity" - this is the key to effective implementation of CrossFit programming.

Incremental progressive improvement is the goal of CrossFit Conditioning. The goal is not "winning a WO" or being the best at CrossFit but to continuously improve your skill and conditioning levels. Creating a preparation base of diverse high level skills and conditioning that are efficient and effective in application for whatever endeavour you choose.


For Rds
20mins of

5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats


10 Pistols Alternating Legs
15 Pull Ups

Record Completed Rds and fractions

CrossFit Sydney Aspects of Fitness

CrossFit Sydney
Get CrossFit!
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Personal Training: Sport or Goal Specific Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

Aspects of Fitness
The CrossFit Method seeks to condition the key aspects of all round Fitness.
Including improving efficiency and increasing work capacity of

The interlinked Cardio Vascular Aerobic and Anaerobic Systems
Relative Strength
Power to Body weight Ratio
Flexibility and Range of Joint Mobility

These Aspects together form the basis of efficient and effective human movement the training of which should be included in any focused Fitness routine. This is achieved by Cross Training the skills of multiple modalities, which have functional movement at their core.
Through this individuals develop a high level of competency at the above aspects of fitness, developing a core strength and conditioning that can be applied to any specific performance sets with minimal refinement.

Push Jerk

Record Loads

Saturday, April 14, 2007

CrossFit Sydney The CrossFit Method

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Personal Training Sport or Goal Specific Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

The CrossFit Method

Diet: nutrition is the fuel for fitness and health

Metabolic Conditioning: Conditioning of the energy systems of human body, Aerobic lactic acid and phosphocreatine

Dynamic Body Weight Movement: creates functional body control and improves range of motion, balance and agility.

Strength and Power based Lifting/Throwing: creates ability to exert control over external objects and develops power/strength ratios

Outdoor Pursuits/Sports: application and exposure to competitive elements refines specific skills and allows exposure to randomized and unpredictable events of the greater world.

For Time
Three rounds:
Run 400 meters
24kg KB 21 swings
12 Pull-up
Record Overall Time

CrossFit Sydney Implementation

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Personal Training : Sport or Goal Specific Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

In implementation, CrossFit is, quite simply, a sport—the “sport of fitness.” We’ve learned that harnessing the natural camaraderie, competition, and fun of sport or game yields an intensity that cannot be matched by other means. The late Col. Jeff Cooper observed that “the fear of sporting failure is worse than the fear of death.” It is our observation that men will die for points. Using whiteboards as scoreboards, keeping accurate scores and records, running a clock, and precisely defining the rules and standards for performance, we not only motivate unprecedented output but derive both relative and absolute metrics at every workout; this data has important value well beyond motivation.

"CrossFit Total"

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Record Loads and Total

CrossFit Sydney Prescription

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

The CrossFit prescription is “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement.” Functional movements are universal motor recruitment patterns; they are performed in a wave of contraction from core to extremity; and they are compound movements—i.e., they are multi-joint. They are natural, effective, and efficient locomotors of body and external objects. But no aspect of functional movements is more important than their capacity to move large loads over long distances, and to do so quickly.
G Glassman

Run or Row
Record Time

CrossFit Sydney Aims

CrossFit Sydney
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Personal Training : Sport or Goal Specific Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

The aim of CrossFit has been to forge a broad, general, and inclusive fitness. We sought to build a program that would best prepare trainees for any physical contingency—prepare them not only for the unknown but for the unknowable. Looking at all sport and physical tasks collectively, we asked what physical skills and adaptations would most universally lend themselves to performance advantage. Capacity culled from the intersection of all sports demands would quite logically lend itself well to all sport. In sum, our specialty is not specializing.
G Glassman

For Time
21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 60kg
Ring dips
Record Overall Time.

Monday, April 09, 2007

CrossFit Sydney M.E. Methods

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

CFS wishes Alena Happy and Safe Travels!!
[Alena Cranking some Knees to Elbows]

M.E. Methods

1.Increase the load until you hit failure,make sure you have a spotter to assit to top of movement then work down the weight.
2.Know your Max? Then work up to it and try to complete 5 or more singles with the your Max.

Dead Lift

Rest >2min between attempts

Record Loads

CrossFit Sydney Reps For Load

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

Reps For Load
The focus in the WOD below is to work as close to your rep max in one unbroken set. This may require resting in the top position of the squat before doing the next rep. Try to complete the full set at a weight that is challenging for you. The declining rep means that you may require more weight in the 12 reps set and again more in the 9 rep set. Work the HSPU to a range that allows the rep set completed. Or sub a movement that will aid your HSPU form.

15,12,9 reps
For Load
Back Squat
Hand Stand Push Ups

Rest 2mins between exercises.

Record Loads

CrossFit Sydney Foundations

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

CrossFit Foundations

CrossFit Conditioning seeks to perform the basics of movement correctly, efficiently and at high intensity.

Time is spent correcting the Squat, the Press, the Pull of many BW and Weighted Movements.

The simplest BW exercises such as the Chin Up, the Push Up, and the BW Squat are often performed incorrectly or inefficiently. Yet these movements are the foundations of many weighted exercises. Practise and ongoing corrections and refinement of the basics are integral to CrossFit conditioning.

20min For Rds
30kg Thruster 10 reps
Chin Ups 10 reps

Record Rds completed and fractions

Friday, April 06, 2007

CrossFit Sydney Aspects of Fitness

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

Aspects of " Fitness"

The CrossFit Method seeks to condition the key aspects of all round Fitness.
Including improving efficiency and increasing work capacity of

The interlinked Cardio Vascular Aerobic and Anaerobic Systems
Relative Strength
Power to Body weight Ratio
Flexibility and Range of Joint Mobility

These Aspects together form the basis of efficient and effective human movement the training of which should be included in any focused Fitness routine. This is achieved by Cross Training the skills of multiple modalities, which have functional movement at their core.
Through this individuals develop a high level of competency at the above aspects of fitness, developing a core strength and conditioning that can be applied to any specific performance sets with minimal refinement.

For Time
3 Rds
12 Muscle Ups
30 Back Extensions
400m Run

Record Overall Time

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

CrossFit Sydney Fit or CrossFit?

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

Fit or CrossFit?

CrossFit is a base strength and conditioning format seeking to be as broad and functional as possible.
The primary focus is to develop increases in relative strength to body weight ratio and create greater efficiency within the anaerobic system.
CrossFit will work your weaknesses and challenge you with new skills. Developing a highly transferable form of fitness that can be a stand alone program or base conditioning for sport specific goals.

Clean & Jerk
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Ret>2min between Rds

Record Loads.

CrossFit Sydney Scale for Completion

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function

Scaling Met Con WODs
When a WOD as written is far beyond your capacity whether due to technique or load, it is still achievable. Scale to your ability.
There are several approaches to Scaling for WOs
Re:"Angie" has at its core extreme volume. Which equals local muscle endurance. Under "For Time" it becomes a mixture of Local Muscular endurance and Anaerobic Conditioning.
If this is physically or mentally too much simply scale the reps to half or quarter load. If only one exercise is too demanding simply scales that particular exercise {eg: 50 Pull Ups, 100 Push Ups, 100 Sit Ups, and 100 Squats]

Approaches for Task completion.
Scale in a set rest
: Know you can handle X number of reps at one time, pick a suitable (time) rest period and stick to it until completion.
Ladder Sets
: Pick 3 (usually odd) numbers [eg: 3,5,7] and work them until completion, rest as needed.
Declining Sets
: Blast a Max Set and work declining reps from this figure, rest as needed.


For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

Record Overall Time