CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Function Intensity Variety
Record Loads
Choose ONE of The Following Sports:
Swim, Bike, Run C2
3 Rounds of:
5 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 10 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 15 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 25 seconds on, 10 seconds off
Back squat
83% x 3 x 5
Snatch deadlift
103% x 3 x 3
Push press
76% x 5 x 5
3 sets:
A1. Pull-ups x 8; 21X0; add weight each set as needed to hit reps; 1 min rest
A2. GHB sit-ups x max consecutive; 2010; NO failed reps; 2 min rest
What we’ve discovered is that CrossFit increases work capacity across broad time and modal domains. This is a discovery of great import and has come to motivate our programming and refocus our efforts. This far-reaching increase in work capacity supports our initially stated aims of building a broad, general, and inclusive fitness program. It also explains the wide variety of sport demands met by CrossFit as evidenced by our deep penetration among diverse sports and endeavors.
We’ve come to see increased work capacity as the holy grail of performance improvement and all other common metrics like VO2 max, lactate threshold, body composition, and even strength and flexibility as being correlates—derivatives, even.
We’d not trade improvements in any other fitness metric for a decrease in work capacity.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
CrossFit Sydney "The Basics"
CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
Record time
Choose ONE of The Following Sports: All out efforts.
Swim: 10 x 50m/y with 5 times the recovery (if it takes you 30 seconds to swim 50m/y then you rest 2:30).
Bike: 10 x 1/4 mile with 5 times the recovery (if it takes 30 seconds to bike the 1/4 mile then you recover 2:30)
Run: 10 x 200m with 5 times the recovery (if it takes 40 seconds to run the 200m then you recover 3:20)
C2: 10 x 250m with 5 times the recovery (if it takes 45 seconds to row 250m then you recover 3:45)
Clean & jerk
Back squat
Notes: 10 minutes rest between exercises, but stay warm. No more than 2 min rest between sets of snatches and CJs; rest as needed for squats.
The Basics
Methods of training resistance exercises should be oriented toward athletic development through
Maximum Strength :Increasing speed of movement by creating maximum effort.
Explosive Strength :Training acceleration or change in direction of movement with significant external resistance.
Speed Strength : Speed of movement is achieved by overcoming relatively small resistance
Strength Endurance :Sustained force production over long duration.
Local Muscular Endurance : continuous speed at sub maximal intensity.
Try the Method
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
Record time
Choose ONE of The Following Sports: All out efforts.
Swim: 10 x 50m/y with 5 times the recovery (if it takes you 30 seconds to swim 50m/y then you rest 2:30).
Bike: 10 x 1/4 mile with 5 times the recovery (if it takes 30 seconds to bike the 1/4 mile then you recover 2:30)
Run: 10 x 200m with 5 times the recovery (if it takes 40 seconds to run the 200m then you recover 3:20)
C2: 10 x 250m with 5 times the recovery (if it takes 45 seconds to row 250m then you recover 3:45)
Clean & jerk
Back squat
Notes: 10 minutes rest between exercises, but stay warm. No more than 2 min rest between sets of snatches and CJs; rest as needed for squats.
The Basics
Methods of training resistance exercises should be oriented toward athletic development through
Maximum Strength :Increasing speed of movement by creating maximum effort.
Explosive Strength :Training acceleration or change in direction of movement with significant external resistance.
Speed Strength : Speed of movement is achieved by overcoming relatively small resistance
Strength Endurance :Sustained force production over long duration.
Local Muscular Endurance : continuous speed at sub maximal intensity.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
CrossFit Sydney "Power Ratio"
CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment
For Time
21 Pull-ups
21 Handstand Push-ups
18 Pull-ups
18 Handstand Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
15 Handstand Push-ups
12 Pull-ups
12 Handstand Push-ups
9 Pull-ups
9 Handstand Push-ups
6 Pull-ups
6 Handstand Push-ups
3 Pull-ups
3 Handstand Push-ups
Handstand push-ups are "nose to floor" and pull-ups are "strict" or non-kipping.
Record time taken
Swim, Bike, Run, C2
2 Rounds of:
1min on 3 min off, 1min on 3 min off, 1min on 3 min off
There are no fouls, and there is no pacing. This interval set is to be done as close to all out as possible....
Muscle snatch
40% (of snatch) x 3 x 2
Power clean + clean
60% (of clean) x 2 + 1 x 3
Power jerk + jerk
60% (of jerk) x 2 + 1 x 3
4 rounds:
10 m shuttle run x 4
10 KB swing
Overhead KB swings; must touch floor with outside hand at end of each shuttle run.
Chasing the Power Ratio
Why we train to maximize the Power to Mass Ratio.
Power = Work/Time
Work = Force x distance
Power involves more then just this formula entails. Power is functional strength expressed in terms of acceleration, execution time or velocity in a given motor skill or kinetic chain rather then isolated exercise. Power is to generate/apply force, which requires other key areas of agility, speed, reaction and range of movement.
Increasing Power means to increase other areas of motor skill and kinetic movement such as relative strength, speed, agility and range of movement. The training of these key factors goes together to increase both Aerobic and Anaerobic capacity by focusing on the interrelated Energy Systems of the Phosphagen and Fast & Slow Glycolysis.
Regardless of your Goals increasing your power ratio will aid competency in movement and performance.
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment
For Time
21 Pull-ups
21 Handstand Push-ups
18 Pull-ups
18 Handstand Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
15 Handstand Push-ups
12 Pull-ups
12 Handstand Push-ups
9 Pull-ups
9 Handstand Push-ups
6 Pull-ups
6 Handstand Push-ups
3 Pull-ups
3 Handstand Push-ups
Handstand push-ups are "nose to floor" and pull-ups are "strict" or non-kipping.
Record time taken
Swim, Bike, Run, C2
2 Rounds of:
1min on 3 min off, 1min on 3 min off, 1min on 3 min off
There are no fouls, and there is no pacing. This interval set is to be done as close to all out as possible....
Muscle snatch
40% (of snatch) x 3 x 2
Power clean + clean
60% (of clean) x 2 + 1 x 3
Power jerk + jerk
60% (of jerk) x 2 + 1 x 3
4 rounds:
10 m shuttle run x 4
10 KB swing
Overhead KB swings; must touch floor with outside hand at end of each shuttle run.
Chasing the Power Ratio
Why we train to maximize the Power to Mass Ratio.
Power = Work/Time
Work = Force x distance
Power involves more then just this formula entails. Power is functional strength expressed in terms of acceleration, execution time or velocity in a given motor skill or kinetic chain rather then isolated exercise. Power is to generate/apply force, which requires other key areas of agility, speed, reaction and range of movement.
Increasing Power means to increase other areas of motor skill and kinetic movement such as relative strength, speed, agility and range of movement. The training of these key factors goes together to increase both Aerobic and Anaerobic capacity by focusing on the interrelated Energy Systems of the Phosphagen and Fast & Slow Glycolysis.
Regardless of your Goals increasing your power ratio will aid competency in movement and performance.
CrossFit Sydney "Core Strength and Conditioning"
CrossFit Strength&Conditioning
Get Function
Back Squat
Record Loads
Choose ONE of the Following Sports:
Swim, Bike, Run,C2
All out Efforts!
90 seconds on, 90 seconds off x 6
Cover as much Distance as possible in each of the 90 sec intervals.
Back squat
75% x 5 x 5
Clean deadlift
90% (of clean) x 5 x 3
Push press
70% x 5 x 5
Jerk dip squat
90% (of jerk) x 5 x 3
3 sets:
A1. Pull-ups x 10; 21X0; 2 min rest; add weight each set as needed to hit reps
A2. GHB sit-ups x max consecutive; 2010; NO failed reps; 2 min rest
Core Strength and Conditioning
This phrase has a double meaning
1. The CrossFit method seeks to create a foundation base line level of fitness that has application to all athletic past times.
2. The CrossFit Method seeks to condition and strengthen the Core Muscles.
Efficient and productive human movement relies on extension and flexion of the hips and extension flexion and rotation of the trunk and torso, ”the core muscles”. These movements originate at the core and are relayed at increasing velocities to the extremities.
The CrossFit Method strengthens the Core Muscles through mixed modality cross training involving functional movement at high intensities, coupled with a core curriculum that emphasizes learning new skills and sports to assist in improving and applying their fitness conditioning.
Get Function
Back Squat
Record Loads
Choose ONE of the Following Sports:
Swim, Bike, Run,C2
All out Efforts!
90 seconds on, 90 seconds off x 6
Cover as much Distance as possible in each of the 90 sec intervals.
Back squat
75% x 5 x 5
Clean deadlift
90% (of clean) x 5 x 3
Push press
70% x 5 x 5
Jerk dip squat
90% (of jerk) x 5 x 3
3 sets:
A1. Pull-ups x 10; 21X0; 2 min rest; add weight each set as needed to hit reps
A2. GHB sit-ups x max consecutive; 2010; NO failed reps; 2 min rest
Core Strength and Conditioning
This phrase has a double meaning
1. The CrossFit method seeks to create a foundation base line level of fitness that has application to all athletic past times.
2. The CrossFit Method seeks to condition and strengthen the Core Muscles.
Efficient and productive human movement relies on extension and flexion of the hips and extension flexion and rotation of the trunk and torso, ”the core muscles”. These movements originate at the core and are relayed at increasing velocities to the extremities.
The CrossFit Method strengthens the Core Muscles through mixed modality cross training involving functional movement at high intensities, coupled with a core curriculum that emphasizes learning new skills and sports to assist in improving and applying their fitness conditioning.
Monday, December 14, 2009
CrossFit Sydney
CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Fitness for Life,for Sports
For Rds
Row 500 meters
25 Turkish Get-ups 30kg DB or 32kg KB
250m Row
10 TGUs (5R/5L)
Choose ONE Of The Following Sports
Swim: 1000m/y total: at 85% for first 500m/y then pick it up to 95% on the last 500m/y
Bike: 20 miles total: at 85% for first 10 miles then pick it up to 95% on the last 10 miles
Run: 10k total: at 85% for first 5k then pick it up to 95% on the last 5k
C2: 3000m total: at 85% first 1500m recover 1min, then 95% for second 1500m
heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
Clean & jerk
heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
Back squat
heavy single; 85% of that x 2 x 2
Reverse hyperextensions
3 x 25
4 rounds:
30 sec double-unders
30 sec push-up + 2 kick-up
What is CrossFit?
The CrossFit protocol is designed by G&L Glassman.
We believe it is ideal base conditioning for people who are looking for a challenging yet rewarding fitness program for life or for people who actively engage in outdoor pursuits or have intense physical challenge as part of their vocation.
CrossFit produces what we believe to be a truly functional fitness level that is highly transferable to all athletic pursuits as well as daily physical tasks.
CrossFit is a foundational Core and Conditioning program that seeks to elicit as broad as adaptation response as possible utilizing training formats derived from Gymnastics, Olympic Weight Lifting, Sprinting and Combat disciplines.
Individuals within the program develop greater understanding of applying force while maximizing strength to weight ratio and functional range of movement. Enhancing individual’s competency in physical tasks by improving Cardiovascular and Respiratory Endurance, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Agility, Coordination and Balance.
What results is the ability to apply strength and power in real world environments and or sports providing either a stand alone conditioning routine or a platform for sport specific performance.
What Crossfit isn’t!
We are not a Hypertrophy or Curves program centered on making you look good in underwear! (Although this may be a result)
We are not Psychiatrists!
We are not a Knitting Group!
Try the Method
Fitness for Life,for Sports
For Rds
Row 500 meters
25 Turkish Get-ups 30kg DB or 32kg KB
250m Row
10 TGUs (5R/5L)
Choose ONE Of The Following Sports
Swim: 1000m/y total: at 85% for first 500m/y then pick it up to 95% on the last 500m/y
Bike: 20 miles total: at 85% for first 10 miles then pick it up to 95% on the last 10 miles
Run: 10k total: at 85% for first 5k then pick it up to 95% on the last 5k
C2: 3000m total: at 85% first 1500m recover 1min, then 95% for second 1500m
heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
Clean & jerk
heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
Back squat
heavy single; 85% of that x 2 x 2
Reverse hyperextensions
3 x 25
4 rounds:
30 sec double-unders
30 sec push-up + 2 kick-up
What is CrossFit?
The CrossFit protocol is designed by G&L Glassman.
We believe it is ideal base conditioning for people who are looking for a challenging yet rewarding fitness program for life or for people who actively engage in outdoor pursuits or have intense physical challenge as part of their vocation.
CrossFit produces what we believe to be a truly functional fitness level that is highly transferable to all athletic pursuits as well as daily physical tasks.
CrossFit is a foundational Core and Conditioning program that seeks to elicit as broad as adaptation response as possible utilizing training formats derived from Gymnastics, Olympic Weight Lifting, Sprinting and Combat disciplines.
Individuals within the program develop greater understanding of applying force while maximizing strength to weight ratio and functional range of movement. Enhancing individual’s competency in physical tasks by improving Cardiovascular and Respiratory Endurance, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Agility, Coordination and Balance.
What results is the ability to apply strength and power in real world environments and or sports providing either a stand alone conditioning routine or a platform for sport specific performance.
What Crossfit isn’t!
We are not a Hypertrophy or Curves program centered on making you look good in underwear! (Although this may be a result)
We are not Psychiatrists!
We are not a Knitting Group!
CrossFit Sydney "Attrition?"
CrossFit Strength&Conditioning
Get Function
Heavy Single
Heavy Single
Dead Lift
Heavy Single
Record total
Choose ONE Of The Following Sports
Swim: 1000m/y total: at 85% for first 500m/y then pick it up to 95% on the last 500m/y
Bike: 20 miles total: at 85% for first 10 miles then pick it up to 95% on the last 10 miles
Run: 10k total: at 85% for first 5k then pick it up to 95% on the last 5k
C2: 3000m total: at 85% first 1500m recover 1min, then 95% for second 1500m
Power snatch
75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
Power clean & jerk
75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
Front squat
75% x 1; focus on speed up
For Time
20 GHB sit-ups
3 rope climbs
The Crossfit method places individuals into routines that impose pressure to perform against time or loads. Tasks are set, and the goal is to complete them in best time, best form, best load possible. At some stage regardless of previous experience, fitness levels etc, attrition sets in.
Attrition and fatigue cause people to access more then just muscular actions. You will have to "Dig Deep" and put some mental determination into the task at hand. This psychological effect can be just as important as the effect of the routine on your CV System.
There are times in sport and life that individuals are placed in situations that are uncomfortable, difficult perhaps dangerous and regardless of experience, aptitude or intelligence you will have to grit it out or quit.
Rarely in Gym based fitness programs is there this type of necessity.
Pushing yourself through training that stimulates pressured performance is seen as "Character Building" in common wisdom. CrossFit brings that to your gym routine and beyond.
A conditioning routine without the presence of some kind of attrition based training format robs participants of the important aspect of psychological conditioning.
Get Function
Heavy Single
Heavy Single
Dead Lift
Heavy Single
Record total
Choose ONE Of The Following Sports
Swim: 1000m/y total: at 85% for first 500m/y then pick it up to 95% on the last 500m/y
Bike: 20 miles total: at 85% for first 10 miles then pick it up to 95% on the last 10 miles
Run: 10k total: at 85% for first 5k then pick it up to 95% on the last 5k
C2: 3000m total: at 85% first 1500m recover 1min, then 95% for second 1500m
Power snatch
75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
Power clean & jerk
75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
Front squat
75% x 1; focus on speed up
For Time
20 GHB sit-ups
3 rope climbs
The Crossfit method places individuals into routines that impose pressure to perform against time or loads. Tasks are set, and the goal is to complete them in best time, best form, best load possible. At some stage regardless of previous experience, fitness levels etc, attrition sets in.
Attrition and fatigue cause people to access more then just muscular actions. You will have to "Dig Deep" and put some mental determination into the task at hand. This psychological effect can be just as important as the effect of the routine on your CV System.
There are times in sport and life that individuals are placed in situations that are uncomfortable, difficult perhaps dangerous and regardless of experience, aptitude or intelligence you will have to grit it out or quit.
Rarely in Gym based fitness programs is there this type of necessity.
Pushing yourself through training that stimulates pressured performance is seen as "Character Building" in common wisdom. CrossFit brings that to your gym routine and beyond.
A conditioning routine without the presence of some kind of attrition based training format robs participants of the important aspect of psychological conditioning.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
CrossFit Sydney "Endurance"
CrossFit Strength&Conditioning
Get Function
Record time taken
Swim, Bike, Run, C2
3 Rounds of:
1min on 1 min off, 1min on 1min off, 1min on 1min off
Hold distances as consistent as possible, Bike and Run, do this as an out and back. C2/ swim measure meters.
Foul if you go over or under your 1st round distance. RPE of no less than 16.
Foul= 2 min of max rep push ups.
heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
Clean & jerk
heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
Pause back squat
work up to heavy triple; 3 set pause in bottom; NO bouncing;
Good morning (straight knee/arched back)
3 x 10; 3020 tempo; should be able to use same weight as last Wed or add
Endurance events have a large metal aspect to them. Repetitive movement has a lasting effect on joints muscles and the mind. While training for increasing efficiency over Long distance can be achieved to an extent by effective High Intensity Formats there is an essential need for Endurance Work if planning long endurance events.
Long Slow Distance is necessary to develop efficient movement technique in your chosen discipline.Which will minimise the repetitive abuse experienced in long events.
LSD can condition the body to cope with such extended bouts of repetitive abuse.This means the little details such as clothing rub,blisters etc as well as conditioning soft tissue.
LSD can prepare you mentally for the extended duration involved.Pushing oneself or pushing together in a group through a long event can build metal determination and confidence in team mates.
Experience in such training will also expose the individual to the elements, conditions and contingencies that are often unpredictable,exposure to such experiences can be invaluable for race or emergency situations.
CrossFit is ideal conditioning for improving the speed at which you participate in endurance events by increasing strength, power, mobility etc, however endurance events require time committed to Sport specific endurance conditioning.
Need a program or Personal Training for an Endurance Event?
Talk to Us
CrossFit Sydney
Endurance events have a large metal aspect to them. Repetitive movement has a lasting effect on joints muscles and the mind. While training for increasing efficiency over Long distance can be achieved to an extent by effective High Intensity Formats there is an essential need for Endurance Work if planning long endurance events.
Long Slow Distance is necessary to develop efficient movement technique in your chosen discipline.Which will minimise the repetitive abuse experienced in long events.
LSD can condition the body to cope with such extended bouts of repetitive abuse.This means the little details such as clothing rub,blisters etc as well as conditioning soft tissue.
LSD can prepare you mentally for the extended duration involved.Pushing oneself or pushing together in a group through a long event can build metal determination and confidence in team mates.
Experience in such training will also expose the individual to the elements, conditions and contingencies that are often unpredictable,exposure to such experiences can be invaluable for race or emergency situations.
CrossFit is ideal conditioning for improving the speed at which you participate in endurance events by increasing strength, power, mobility etc, however endurance events require time committed to Sport specific endurance conditioning.
Need a program or Personal Training for an Endurance Event?
Talk to Us
CrossFit Sydney
Get Function
Record time taken
Swim, Bike, Run, C2
3 Rounds of:
1min on 1 min off, 1min on 1min off, 1min on 1min off
Hold distances as consistent as possible, Bike and Run, do this as an out and back. C2/ swim measure meters.
Foul if you go over or under your 1st round distance. RPE of no less than 16.
Foul= 2 min of max rep push ups.
heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
Clean & jerk
heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
Pause back squat
work up to heavy triple; 3 set pause in bottom; NO bouncing;
Good morning (straight knee/arched back)
3 x 10; 3020 tempo; should be able to use same weight as last Wed or add
Endurance events have a large metal aspect to them. Repetitive movement has a lasting effect on joints muscles and the mind. While training for increasing efficiency over Long distance can be achieved to an extent by effective High Intensity Formats there is an essential need for Endurance Work if planning long endurance events.
Long Slow Distance is necessary to develop efficient movement technique in your chosen discipline.Which will minimise the repetitive abuse experienced in long events.
LSD can condition the body to cope with such extended bouts of repetitive abuse.This means the little details such as clothing rub,blisters etc as well as conditioning soft tissue.
LSD can prepare you mentally for the extended duration involved.Pushing oneself or pushing together in a group through a long event can build metal determination and confidence in team mates.
Experience in such training will also expose the individual to the elements, conditions and contingencies that are often unpredictable,exposure to such experiences can be invaluable for race or emergency situations.
CrossFit is ideal conditioning for improving the speed at which you participate in endurance events by increasing strength, power, mobility etc, however endurance events require time committed to Sport specific endurance conditioning.
Need a program or Personal Training for an Endurance Event?
Talk to Us
CrossFit Sydney
Endurance events have a large metal aspect to them. Repetitive movement has a lasting effect on joints muscles and the mind. While training for increasing efficiency over Long distance can be achieved to an extent by effective High Intensity Formats there is an essential need for Endurance Work if planning long endurance events.
Long Slow Distance is necessary to develop efficient movement technique in your chosen discipline.Which will minimise the repetitive abuse experienced in long events.
LSD can condition the body to cope with such extended bouts of repetitive abuse.This means the little details such as clothing rub,blisters etc as well as conditioning soft tissue.
LSD can prepare you mentally for the extended duration involved.Pushing oneself or pushing together in a group through a long event can build metal determination and confidence in team mates.
Experience in such training will also expose the individual to the elements, conditions and contingencies that are often unpredictable,exposure to such experiences can be invaluable for race or emergency situations.
CrossFit is ideal conditioning for improving the speed at which you participate in endurance events by increasing strength, power, mobility etc, however endurance events require time committed to Sport specific endurance conditioning.
Need a program or Personal Training for an Endurance Event?
Talk to Us
CrossFit Sydney
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
CrossFit Sydney "Contractions"
CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Time
Run 800 meters
30 Hip/Back Extensions
30 GHD Sit-ups
30 Hip Extensions
30 Knees to Elbows
30 Back Extensions
30 AbMat Sit-ups
record time taken
Use a Weighted Vest Or Ruck.
Swim: 10lbs vest or weight, 3x(50m/y + 100m/y + 200m/y)
Bike: 30lbs vest 3x( 1/2mile + 1 mile+ 2 mile)
Run: 20lbs vest 3x( 200m + 400m+ 600m)
C2: 20lbs vest 3x( 250m +500m+ 700m)
Rest the exact time it takes you to do each interval in each set. EX. 200m run in 35 sec. rest 35 sec then 400m run, rest 400m time, run 600m, rest 600m time, run 200m, etc.
Snatch balance
heavy single; 90% of that x 1; 85% x 1
Power clean & jerk
75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
Front squat
75% x 1; focus on speed up
For Time
200 m row
15 hanging leg raises
The Speed of muscular contraction is not determined by the simple synthesis of different motor capacities(strength,velocity or endurance).The increase of the speed of muscle contraction as a result of training is obtained through the increase of the following
:motor neuron impulse
: sacroplasmic hypertrophy
:power and capacity of energy providing mechanism
:functional supporting physiological systems of the organism
:through effective utilization of the motor potential of athlete assured by the appropriation of more expedient biomechanics of movement.
Try the Method
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Time
Run 800 meters
30 Hip/Back Extensions
30 GHD Sit-ups
30 Hip Extensions
30 Knees to Elbows
30 Back Extensions
30 AbMat Sit-ups
record time taken
Use a Weighted Vest Or Ruck.
Swim: 10lbs vest or weight, 3x(50m/y + 100m/y + 200m/y)
Bike: 30lbs vest 3x( 1/2mile + 1 mile+ 2 mile)
Run: 20lbs vest 3x( 200m + 400m+ 600m)
C2: 20lbs vest 3x( 250m +500m+ 700m)
Rest the exact time it takes you to do each interval in each set. EX. 200m run in 35 sec. rest 35 sec then 400m run, rest 400m time, run 600m, rest 600m time, run 200m, etc.
Snatch balance
heavy single; 90% of that x 1; 85% x 1
Power clean & jerk
75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
Front squat
75% x 1; focus on speed up
For Time
200 m row
15 hanging leg raises
The Speed of muscular contraction is not determined by the simple synthesis of different motor capacities(strength,velocity or endurance).The increase of the speed of muscle contraction as a result of training is obtained through the increase of the following
:motor neuron impulse
: sacroplasmic hypertrophy
:power and capacity of energy providing mechanism
:functional supporting physiological systems of the organism
:through effective utilization of the motor potential of athlete assured by the appropriation of more expedient biomechanics of movement.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
CrossFit Sydney "SSP?"
CrossFit Strength and Conditioning
Try the Method
Record Loads
Choose ONE of the Following Sports:
Swim: 10 x 100m/y holding fastest possible pace without deviating more than 5 sec... 15 sec recoveries
Bike: 4 x 2 mile hill repeats, holding fastest possible pace and not deviating more than 1 min per repeat. Recoveries are, how long it takes you to come down the hill. If you do not have a hill then use tension on a trainer or ergometer with steady/ heavy tension.
Run: 2 x 3/4 - 1 mile hill repeats holding fastest possible pace without deviating more then 1 minute and recovering 1 min before descending hill easy. Repeat after 1 min recovery at bottom of hill... treadmill use 7% grade, recover 2 min and repeat
C2: 3 x 1k repeats not deviating more then 10 seconds. 2 min recoveries.
Foul: If you deviate more than the specified time.
Foul: 20 pistols (10 each side)
heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
Back squat
heavy single; 85% of that x 2 x 2
Weighted back extensions - 30 total; DB behind neck; lock pelvis in place and flex/extend ONLY the spine; 2 sec pause at top;
Sport Specific Performance
Want to get better at a Sport then at some stage you will have to devote more time to that specific sport skill set and movement patterns. Depending on your present skill level improvement may require stages of focus to progress efficiently.
CrossFit provides a base line conditioning that is ideal for most power sports. That said, CrossFit programming can be adjusted and "tweaked" to suit and aid on going sport specific skill development just as CrossFit is scaled to suit the individual.
Crossfit Conditioning will complement SSP by maintaining and/or increasing work capacity and prevent possible injuries.
Got a Sport?
Then get the CrossFit advantage.
Try the Method
Record Loads
Choose ONE of the Following Sports:
Swim: 10 x 100m/y holding fastest possible pace without deviating more than 5 sec... 15 sec recoveries
Bike: 4 x 2 mile hill repeats, holding fastest possible pace and not deviating more than 1 min per repeat. Recoveries are, how long it takes you to come down the hill. If you do not have a hill then use tension on a trainer or ergometer with steady/ heavy tension.
Run: 2 x 3/4 - 1 mile hill repeats holding fastest possible pace without deviating more then 1 minute and recovering 1 min before descending hill easy. Repeat after 1 min recovery at bottom of hill... treadmill use 7% grade, recover 2 min and repeat
C2: 3 x 1k repeats not deviating more then 10 seconds. 2 min recoveries.
Foul: If you deviate more than the specified time.
Foul: 20 pistols (10 each side)
heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
Back squat
heavy single; 85% of that x 2 x 2
Weighted back extensions - 30 total; DB behind neck; lock pelvis in place and flex/extend ONLY the spine; 2 sec pause at top;
Sport Specific Performance
Want to get better at a Sport then at some stage you will have to devote more time to that specific sport skill set and movement patterns. Depending on your present skill level improvement may require stages of focus to progress efficiently.
CrossFit provides a base line conditioning that is ideal for most power sports. That said, CrossFit programming can be adjusted and "tweaked" to suit and aid on going sport specific skill development just as CrossFit is scaled to suit the individual.
Crossfit Conditioning will complement SSP by maintaining and/or increasing work capacity and prevent possible injuries.
Got a Sport?
Then get the CrossFit advantage.
Monday, December 07, 2009
CrossFit Sydney "Foundations"
CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment
Coach B
"Lumberjack 20"
20 Deadlifts 125kg
Run 400m
20 KB swings 32kg
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats 52kg
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box jumps 60cm
Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans 20kg
Run 400m
Record time
Choose ONE of the following sports:
Swim, Bike, Run, C2
Swim: 20 x 25m/y all out sprints from mid pool start and finish… NO WALL STARTS. 1 min. recoveries... NO PENALTIES.
Bike: 8 x 1k all out sprints w/ 2 min. recoveries... NO PENALTIES.
Run: 10 x 100m all out sprints with 90 sec. recoveries… NO PENALTIES.
C2: 10 x 125m all out sprints w/ 1 min. recoveries... NO PENALTIES.
heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
Clean & jerk
heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
Pause back squat
work up to heavy triple; 3 sec pause in bottom; NO bouncing
Good morning (straight knee)
3 x 8; 3020 tempo; feel out weight, approx 20-25% of BS
CrossFit Foundations
CrossFit Conditioning seeks to perform the basics of movement correctly, efficiently and at relative high intensity.
Time is spent correcting the Squat, the Press, the Pull of many BW and Weighted Movements.
The simplest BW exercises such as the Chin Up, the Push Up, and the BW Squat are often performed incorrectly or inefficiently. Yet these movements are the foundations of many weighted exercises. Practise and ongoing corrections and refinement of the basics are integral to CrossFit conditioning.
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Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment
Coach B
"Lumberjack 20"
20 Deadlifts 125kg
Run 400m
20 KB swings 32kg
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats 52kg
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box jumps 60cm
Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans 20kg
Run 400m
Record time
Choose ONE of the following sports:
Swim, Bike, Run, C2
Swim: 20 x 25m/y all out sprints from mid pool start and finish… NO WALL STARTS. 1 min. recoveries... NO PENALTIES.
Bike: 8 x 1k all out sprints w/ 2 min. recoveries... NO PENALTIES.
Run: 10 x 100m all out sprints with 90 sec. recoveries… NO PENALTIES.
C2: 10 x 125m all out sprints w/ 1 min. recoveries... NO PENALTIES.
heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
Clean & jerk
heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
Pause back squat
work up to heavy triple; 3 sec pause in bottom; NO bouncing
Good morning (straight knee)
3 x 8; 3020 tempo; feel out weight, approx 20-25% of BS
CrossFit Foundations
CrossFit Conditioning seeks to perform the basics of movement correctly, efficiently and at relative high intensity.
Time is spent correcting the Squat, the Press, the Pull of many BW and Weighted Movements.
The simplest BW exercises such as the Chin Up, the Push Up, and the BW Squat are often performed incorrectly or inefficiently. Yet these movements are the foundations of many weighted exercises. Practise and ongoing corrections and refinement of the basics are integral to CrossFit conditioning.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
CrossFit Sydney "Strength Basics"
CrossFit Conditioning
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Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment
DeadLift Fashion Couture
For Time
Run 800m
70kg Power Cleans 21 reps
Record time taken
Choose ONE Of The Following Sports
Swim: 1000m/y total: at 85% for first 500m/y then pick it up to 95% on the last 500m/y
Bike: 20 miles total: at 85% for first 10 miles then pick it up to 95% on the last 10 miles
Run: 10k total: at 85% for first 5k then pick it up to 95% on the last 5k
C2: 3000m total: at 85% first 1500m recover 1min, then 95% for second 1500m
heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
Clean & jerk
heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
Pause back squat
work up to heavy triple; 3 set pause in bottom; NO bouncing
Good morning (straight knee)
3 x 8; 3020 tempo; feel out weight, approx 20-25% of BS
The Basics
Methods of training resistance exercises should be oriented toward athletic development through
Maximum Strength :Increasing speed of movement by creating maximum effort.
Explosive Strength :Training acceleration or change in direction of movement with significant external resistance.
Speed Strength : Speed of movement is achieved by overcoming relatively small resistance
Strength Endurance :Sustained force production over long duration.
Local Muscular Endurance : continuous speed at sub maximal intensity.
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment
DeadLift Fashion Couture
For Time
Run 800m
70kg Power Cleans 21 reps
Record time taken
Choose ONE Of The Following Sports
Swim: 1000m/y total: at 85% for first 500m/y then pick it up to 95% on the last 500m/y
Bike: 20 miles total: at 85% for first 10 miles then pick it up to 95% on the last 10 miles
Run: 10k total: at 85% for first 5k then pick it up to 95% on the last 5k
C2: 3000m total: at 85% first 1500m recover 1min, then 95% for second 1500m
heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
Clean & jerk
heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
Pause back squat
work up to heavy triple; 3 set pause in bottom; NO bouncing
Good morning (straight knee)
3 x 8; 3020 tempo; feel out weight, approx 20-25% of BS
The Basics
Methods of training resistance exercises should be oriented toward athletic development through
Maximum Strength :Increasing speed of movement by creating maximum effort.
Explosive Strength :Training acceleration or change in direction of movement with significant external resistance.
Speed Strength : Speed of movement is achieved by overcoming relatively small resistance
Strength Endurance :Sustained force production over long duration.
Local Muscular Endurance : continuous speed at sub maximal intensity.
CrossFit Sydney "Hard Bits"
CrossFit Conditioning
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Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment
For Time
15-12-9 REPS OF
Using a single 27KG dumbbell for both thrusters and pull-ups,
Thrusters right arm
Thrusters left arm
"One-hand" pull-up right arm (left hand grabs the right wrist)
"One-hand" pull-up left arm (right hand grabs the left wrist)
Record time taken
Choose ONE of the Following Sports:
Swim: 5 x 200m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 200m. 30 second recoveries
Bike: 5 x 2k holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 2k. 90 second recoveries (1-3-5 should be the same, and 2-4 should be the same if done outside)
Run: 5 x 800m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 800. 90 second recoveries
C2: 5 x 1000m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 1000m. 90 second recoveries
Snatch balance
heavy single; 90% of that x 1; 85% x 1; 80% x 1
Power clean & jerk
75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
Front squat
70% x 1; focus on speed up
front/side; 2 x near max hold
For Time
4 Rds
10 DB muscle snatch
10 KTE
Hard Bits?
Becoming fit isn't complicated at all physically, you just have to work hard repeatedly on a varied group of key exercises (eg: squats, pull-ups, Olympic lifts, rowing, running, swimming, handstand pushups, and ring work) and let your body recover from the workouts and improve.
The hard bit is the mental aspect.
CrossFit Programming is mentally challenging and fatiguing. The Intensity and the task completion based protocols will find you wanting to quit, stop or at least rest a little longer. Attrition is not a maybe but a certainty.
Strategies will emerge for your best way through such intensity, but all will take a certain mental commitment and determination that is uncommon in Gym based programs.
Take it on
Function Intensity Variety
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment
For Time
15-12-9 REPS OF
Using a single 27KG dumbbell for both thrusters and pull-ups,
Thrusters right arm
Thrusters left arm
"One-hand" pull-up right arm (left hand grabs the right wrist)
"One-hand" pull-up left arm (right hand grabs the left wrist)
Record time taken
Choose ONE of the Following Sports:
Swim: 5 x 200m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 200m. 30 second recoveries
Bike: 5 x 2k holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 2k. 90 second recoveries (1-3-5 should be the same, and 2-4 should be the same if done outside)
Run: 5 x 800m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 800. 90 second recoveries
C2: 5 x 1000m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 1000m. 90 second recoveries
Snatch balance
heavy single; 90% of that x 1; 85% x 1; 80% x 1
Power clean & jerk
75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
Front squat
70% x 1; focus on speed up
front/side; 2 x near max hold
For Time
4 Rds
10 DB muscle snatch
10 KTE
Hard Bits?
Becoming fit isn't complicated at all physically, you just have to work hard repeatedly on a varied group of key exercises (eg: squats, pull-ups, Olympic lifts, rowing, running, swimming, handstand pushups, and ring work) and let your body recover from the workouts and improve.
The hard bit is the mental aspect.
CrossFit Programming is mentally challenging and fatiguing. The Intensity and the task completion based protocols will find you wanting to quit, stop or at least rest a little longer. Attrition is not a maybe but a certainty.
Strategies will emerge for your best way through such intensity, but all will take a certain mental commitment and determination that is uncommon in Gym based programs.
Take it on
Function Intensity Variety
CrossFit Sydney "Prescription"
CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Front Squat
Record Loads
Choose ONE Of the Following Sports:
Swim, Bike, Run, C2
12min Time Trial:
Cover as much Distance as Possible.
heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
Front squat
heavy single; 80% of that x 2 x 2
Weighted back extensions
30 total; DB behind neck; lock pelvis in place and flex/extend ONLY the spine; 2 sec pause at top
The CrossFit prescription is “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement.” Functional movements are universal motor recruitment patterns; they are performed in a wave of contraction from core to extremity; and they are compound movements—i.e., they are multi-joint. They are natural, effective, and efficient locomotors of body and external objects. But no aspect of functional movements is more important than their capacity to move large loads over long distances, and to do so quickly.
G Glassman
Get Function
Front Squat
Record Loads
Choose ONE Of the Following Sports:
Swim, Bike, Run, C2
12min Time Trial:
Cover as much Distance as Possible.
heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
Front squat
heavy single; 80% of that x 2 x 2
Weighted back extensions
30 total; DB behind neck; lock pelvis in place and flex/extend ONLY the spine; 2 sec pause at top
The CrossFit prescription is “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement.” Functional movements are universal motor recruitment patterns; they are performed in a wave of contraction from core to extremity; and they are compound movements—i.e., they are multi-joint. They are natural, effective, and efficient locomotors of body and external objects. But no aspect of functional movements is more important than their capacity to move large loads over long distances, and to do so quickly.
G Glassman
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