Try the Method
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
Split Jerk
Record loads
Choose ONE of the Following Sports:
Swim: 10 x 30sec Sprints all out efforts using paddles and buoy… 2 min recovery between sprints.
Bike: 10x 30sec Hill Sprints, all out efforts. Recoveries are, how long it takes you to come down the hill or 2min rest has been accrued. If you do not have a hill then use tension on a trainer or ergometer with steady/ heavy tension, 2 min Recovery between sprints. “Come into the hill at speed to maximize the 30sec sprint”
Run: 10x 30sec Hill Sprints, All out efforts. 30sec rest at top before descending hill easy, “walk if needed”. Rest 1min at the bottom of the hill before the next sprint.Treadmill use 7-10% grade, 2min recover between sprints
C2: 10x30sec Sprints all out efforts. Damper setting is choice,“Come into each sprint at speed to maximize the 30 sec sprint” 2 min recovery between sprints.
“Bike and C2, once your 2min recovery has expired, start your roll in effort for each sprint”
Back squat
75% x 3 x 10
Snatch pull
90% (of snatch) x 3 x 2
Snatch deadlift
100% (of snatch) x 3
Snatch push press
3 x 5
CrossFit has a variety of protocol jargon and abbreviations that can be learned in order to make communication more efficient.
Named Work Outs
"I did Fran last night and the Thrusters in the 2nd Rd smoked me"
Named Work Outs are part of the jargon of CrossFit training.
CrossFit is a world wide community with many people linked through the WOD whether variations or HQs. Bench Mark WOs are given names so that just uttering that name will give people an understanding of whats involved and may even evoke feeling from previous WOs.
CrossFitters develop a love/hate relationship with some WOs.Women's names are used often for Bench mark WOs, probably for the same reason they are used to name hurricanes which gives you a hint to their intensity.
Male names are used as a mark of respect of fallen service men.
So get with the jargon and enjoy doing a Girl or trashing a Guy next time your in the gym.