Thursday, September 22, 2005

Big turnout for 1st session!

Apologies for the delay in posting this but things have been hectic here with setting up my new website and running around doing photo shoots and interviews for the Sunday Telegraph (article on kettlebells coming out on the 9th of October.

Anyway back to the important stuff.

We had an excellent turnout of 10 people for the first Sydney Crossfit workout, turnout was so high in fact that we had to move the workout to a local park to avoid annoying the neighbours!

After a quick warm up and intro we got stuck into fight gone bad in two lots of five people. Everyone worked hard and I think a few of our first time crossfitters were a little suprised by the intensity!

After the workout we returned to my place to eat bacon and egg rolls and watch the crossfit "try this at home DVD"

I've posted a couple of pictures and the video should be up soon.

The next workout will be held on the 1st of October and this time we'll aim for an 8:30 start with the workout starting at 8:45 SHARP followed by breakfast (i know a lot of guys missed out cause the had to rush off)

As always feel free to bring your relatives, friends and enemies!

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