Fit for Sport, Fit for Life
Try the Method
For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
Record time Taken
All sports: Tabata Protocol 20:10 (that is 20 seconds all out, 10 seconds total rest) x 8 nothing else!
Swim: Use a pool or open water
Bike: * Out of the saddle the entire 4 min* Use a Monarch Erg, Stationary Bike with wattage tool, or something similar that can hold a load at 250-300 watts or more.
Run: Use a treadmill and set at 12% grade and 0-30sec slower pace per mile then best 5k pace, and don't lower the speed. You can also use a track, road, or trail, just stop on the rest and turn around and try and cover the same distance on each one, or at #4.
C2: Row 20:10 x 8
Post total distances for tabata...
Front squat
75%x3 81%x1 77%x3 80%x1 79%x3
Snatch pull
Rack Jerk
Heavy Single
90%x1 85%x1x2
For Time
10 Sand bag half moons
10 clapping push ups
Core Strength and Conditioning
This phrase has a double meaning
1. The CrossFit method seeks to create a foundation base line level of fitness that has application to all athletic past times.
2. The CrossFit Method seeks to condition and strengthen the Core Muscles.
Efficient and productive human movement relies on extension and flexion of the hips and extension flexion and rotation of the trunk and torso, ”the core muscles”. These movements originate at the core and are relayed at increasing velocities to the extremities.
The CrossFit Method strengthens the Core Muscles through mixed modality cross training involving functional movement at high intensities, coupled with a core curriculum that emphasizes learning new skills and sports to assist in improving and applying their fitness conditioning.
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