Try the Method
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment
Pull Up Ladder
first minute 1 Pull Up second minute 2Pull Ups ->until you cannot complete Number within the minute
Record minutes and fractions
Choose ONE of the Following Sports:
Swim, Bike, Run, C2
5 Min on, 2:30 Min off, 6 Min on, 3 Min off, 7 Min on.. Done.
All out maximal efforts!
Clean & jerk
80% x 1 x 4
Clean deadlift
115% (of clean) x 3 x 3
Front squat
90% x 2 x 4
For Time
4 box jumps
10 2-arm DB hang muscle snatch
An Idea
Imagine an idea that propels athletes and soldiers alike to seek even higher base levels of competency.
Imagine an idea that is so open source nimble, and ever self correcting, self improving in its daily application that it doesn't risk irrelevancy.
Imagine an idea that changes they way the health care rehabilitation industry (physical therapy) organizes and implements its care.
Imagine an idea that carries such self evident truth with it that thousands of people spontaneously form community and fellowship.
Crossfit promotes daily self competition, self reflection, and self refinement.
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