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Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment
For Time
7 Rds
45kg Power snatch, 7 reps
45kg Snatch balance, 7 reps
45kg Overhead squat, 7 reps
record time taken
Swim, Bike Run, C2
All Out Efforts.
1min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on, 40 sec off, 1 min on, 30 sec off, 1 min on 20 sec off, 1 min on, 10 sec off, then go back up the ladder until you finish with 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on.
80% x 1 x 5
Clean & jerk
80% x 1 x 5
Pause back squat
3 sets:
A1. 5 Squat jumps; 20 sec rest
A2. 8 Stiff-legged deadlift; 2010; 90 sec rest
Notes: Pause back squats must have a minimum of 3-4 sec pause in the bottom position before recovery; focus on maximal acceleration up from the dead stop (no bouncing). Squat jumps are unweighted: jump vertical to maximum height, absorb into a full squat, catch the bounce as you would with a clean, and immediately jump again until all reps are complete; speed and change of direction at the bottom are key.
The Difference
"CrossFit promotes discipline of the body and mind and enhances self-confidence both within and outside the gym.
The only downside of training CF is that you can’t go into a “Globo Gym” anymore without wondering how someone could take 25,000 sq. ft. of space, $100,000 of budget and still come up with something that is completely useless as a means of getting in shape. Give a CF’er a chinning bar, a piece of floor and something heavy, and you’ll get “elite fitness” in no time."
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