Friday, February 26, 2010

CrossFit Sydney "Power!"

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function

Liz DB Swing


"War Frank"
For Time
25 Muscle Up
100 squat
35 GHD Sit Ups

record time taken


Choose ONE Of the following Sports then do:

Swim, Bike, Run, C2

8x 2min On, 1 min Off

Hold distances as consistent as possible, Bike and Run, do this as an out and back. C2/ swim measure meters.

Foul if you go over or under your 1st round distance. RPE of no less than 16.

Foul. 3min Isometric bottom of squat hold.


90% x 1 x 3

Clean & jerk
90% x 1 x 3

Pause back squat

3 sets:
A1. SLDL x 8
A2. Chin-ups (supinated) x amrap

Chasing the Power Ratio

Why we train to maximize the Power to Mass Ratio.

Power = Work/Time
Work = Force x distance

Power involves more then just this formula entails. Power is functional strength expressed in terms of acceleration, execution time or velocity in a given motor skill or kinetic chain rather then isolated exercise. Power is to generate/apply force, which requires other key areas of agility, speed, reaction and range of movement.
Increasing Power means to increase other areas of motor skill and kinetic movement such as relative strength, speed, agility and range of movement. The training of these key factors goes together to increase both Aerobic and Anaerobic capacity by focusing on the interrelated Energy Systems of the Phosphagen and Fast & Slow Glycolysis.
Regardless of your Goals increasing your power ratio will aid competency in movement and performance.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

CrossFit Sydney "Sport Specific"

CrossFit Conditioning
For Life For Sport
Try the Method

Kat destroying Ring Push Ups at the Newcastle Sectionals


Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Try to increase the load on each of the fifteen sets or work 80-90% of 1RM across all sets

Record Loads


Choose ONE Of The Following Sports

Swim, Bike Run, C2

Swim: SC: 12min, LC: 15min, U: 35min

Bike:SC-LC 60min, U: 80min

Run: SC: 20min, LC: 30min, U: 60min

C2: 25min


90% x 1 x 3

Clean & jerk
90% x 1 x 3

Front squat
55% x 2 x 10; 1 min rest

4 sets:
A1. GHR x 10
A2. Dips x 10

Sport Specific Performance

Want to get better at a Sport then at some stage you will have to devote more time to that specific sport skill set and movement patterns. Depending on your present skill level improvement may require stages of focus to progress efficiently.
CrossFit provides a base line conditioning that is ideal for most power sports.

That said CrossFit programming would need to tweaked to suit and be compatible with on going sport specific skill development just as CrossFit is scaled to suit the individual. CrossFit Conditioning will only complement SSP by maintaining and/or increasing work capacity and prevent possible injuries.

Got a Sport?
Then get the CrossFit advantage.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

CrossFit Sydney "Muscle!"

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment

Sven with a PB of 120kg Clean at the Newcastle Sectionals


For Rep Count
1 min Wall ball shots, 20 pound
1 min 8 m Rope Climb
Run 400m

Start each round exactly six minutes apart. Your rest period is whatever remains after the run.

Post total reps and ascents to comments.


Chose ONE of The Following Sports:

All sports do: 20:10 x 8 rounds, 20 seconds on 10 seconds off, all out efforts!

Swim: Use pool or open water

Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts

Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed!

C2:Row 20:10x8


Power clean
max; 75% of that x 2 x 4

Hang clean high-pull
70% x 3 x 4

Snatch balance
max; 80% of that x 2 x 2

3 sets:
A1. TGU (lunge) x 5/side
A2. V-up x 15


The Speed of muscular contraction is not determined by the simple synthesis of different motor capacities(strength,velocity or endurance).The increase of the speed of muscle contraction as a result of training is obtained through the increase of the following
:motor neuron impulse
:sacroplasmic hypertrophy
:power and capacity of energy providing mechanism
:functional supporting physiological systems of the organism
:through effective utilization of the motor potential of athlete assured by the appropriation of more expedient biomechanics of movement.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

CrossFit Sydney "The Difference"

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment

Congratulations to Sven Dave Kat and Liz all Qualified for the CF regionals in May


CrossFit Total

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Add loads for CFT


Choose ONE of the Following sports:

Swim: 2x8 min, Rest 2 min Between intervals

Bike: 2x15 min, Rest 2 min Between intervals

Run: 2x12min, Rest 2 min Between intervals

C2: 2x8min, Rest 2 min Between intervals

Cover as much distance as possible in each of the 2 intervals.


Power snatch
max; 75% of that x 2 x 4

Power jerk
max; 75% of that x 2 x 4

Jerk springs
90% (of jerk) x 5 x 5

4 sets:
A1. 4 box jumps
A2. 10 Hanging leg raise

Notes: Jerk springs - This is a jerk dip squat, but with a focus on a quick change of direction in the bottom of the dip (trying to "bounce" at the bottom). Return to the top without and immediately return to the bottom of the next rep to complete the series in rapid succession.

The Difference

"CrossFit promotes discipline of the body and mind and enhances self-confidence both within and outside the gym.

The only downside of training CF is that you can’t go into a “Globo Gym” anymore without wondering how someone could take 25,000 sq. ft. of space, $100,000 of budget and still come up with something that is completely useless as a means of getting in shape. Give a CF’er a chinning bar, a piece of floor and something heavy, and you’ll get “elite fitness” in no time."


CrossFit Sydney "Attrition?"

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function

Kat Plus Guns


"Tabata This!"

Tabata Row
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Unit for the row is "calories".

Add scores together and record


Choose ONE of the following sports:

80% for the first half, 90% for the last half. Choose distance based on your event.

Swim: SC: 400m , LC: 600m , U: 800m

Bike: SC: 10 mile , LC: 18 mile , U: 25 mile

Run: SC: 1.5 mile , LC: 5miles , U: 10miles

C2: SC: 2k , LC: 5k , U: 8k


80% x 1 x 7

Clean & jerk
80% x 1 x 7

Back squat
78% x 5 x 5

3 sets:
A1. Good morning (squat stance, unlocked knee) x 8-10
A2. DB row x 8-10


The CrossFit method places individuals into routines that impose pressure to perform against time or loads. Tasks are set, and the goal is to complete them in best time, best form, best load possible. At some stage regardless of previous experience, fitness levels etc, attrition sets in.

Attrition and fatigue cause people to access more then just muscular actions. You will have to "Dig Deep" and put some mental determination into the task at hand. This psychological effect can be just as important as the effect of the routine on your CV System.
There are times in sport and life that individuals are placed in situations that are uncomfortable, difficult perhaps dangerous and regardless of experience, aptitude or intelligence you will have to grit it out or quit.
Rarely in Gym based fitness programs is there this type of necessity.
Pushing yourself through training that stimulates pressured performance is seen as "Character Building" in common wisdom. CrossFit brings that to your gym routine and beyond.
A conditioning routine without the presence of some kind of attrition based training format robs participants of the important aspect of psychological conditioning.

CrossFit Sydney "Strength and Body Weight"

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function


For Time

70kg Squat clean, 15 reps
30 Toes to bar
30 Box jump, 60cm
15 Muscle-ups
17.5kg DB Push press / push jerk, 30 reps
30 Double-unders
60kg, 15 reps
30 Pull-ups
30 Burpees
100m Walking lunge with 20kg plate held overhead

Record time taken


Choose ONE of the following sports:

80% for the first half, 90% for the last half. Choose distance based on your event.

Swim: SC: 400m , LC: 600m , U: 800m

Bike: SC: 10 mile , LC: 18 mile , U: 25 mile

Run: SC: 1.5 mile , LC: 5miles , U: 10miles

C2: SC: 2k , LC: 5k , U: 8k


65% x 2 x 10

Snatch pull
85% x 5 x 5

max for day

3 sets:
A1. Depth jump x 3
A2. GHB sit-up x 12

Body Weight and Strength

In the realm of General Physical Preparedness Training, Strength is always relative to the BW of the Trainee. The focus of a training format is to make improvements of people’s power,strength and work capacity. Training loads must be calculated in relation to the individuals Body mass.
Need Competition? Then choose your sport and apply your strength and power.
The application of that strength or power is what matters in competition and requires skill and agility. Such Aspects are rarely seen trained in Gyms.

CrossFit Sydney "Lactate Threshold"

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method

CFS will be closed
Friday 19th of February and Saturday 20th of February
So we can all go and Play at the Sectionals
See you there


For Rds

32kg KB Swing 8 Reps
12 GHD Sit Ups

Record Rds complete and fractions


Choose ONE of the following Sports:

Swim: SC:2x6 min, LC: 3x6min, U: 4x6min,Rest 2 min Between intervals

Bike: SC: 2x12 min LC:3x12min, U: 4x12min Rest 2 min Between intervals

Run:SC: 2x10min,LC: 3x10min, U: 4x10min, Rest 2 min Between intervals

C2: SC: 2x7min,LC: 3x7min,U: 4x7min: Rest 2 min Between intervals

Cover as much distance as possible on each interval.


Power snatch
75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest

High-hang clean & jerk
60% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest

Front squat
70% x 1; focus on speed up

GHB sit-ups - 50 total

20-15-10 reps:
Box jump - above knee+
Kipping pull-ups

Lactate Threshold

What is it?
When the body is at rest or at regular work conditions, your metabolic rate creates a balance between lactate production and blood lactate removal. The Lactate Threshold (the Margin in which your body can no longer remove lactate as fast as it is produced) directly refers to exercise stress, which produces a rapid increase in blood lactate and a decreased or less then efficient lactate removal.

Protocols that combine high volume (high work capacity), maximal steady –state training (Fluctuating Intensity Work) and Interval Training (high Intensity Work) result in increased Lactate Threshold.

Generally thought to be a concern for Power Athletes Lactate Threshold training (conditioning to improve the bodies ability to balance blood lactate production and removal during times of exercise stress) can dramatically improve performance in endurance events as will as power orientated events.

For the Generalist?
So what’s it all mean to me Recreational Jo?

Protocols that focus on Lactate Threshold improvement create a time efficient format that has multiple impacts on every aspect of fitness. Providing a board-reaching program in minimal time. That with appropriate nutrition and recovery techniques, individuals are left with an ideal conditioning structure that produces abilities and allows time to be applied to other disciplines.

CrossFit Sydney "Anaerobic Adaptations"

CrossFit Strength&Conditioning
Get Function


1Rep Max

After Ramp up ->you have 10min to complete new 1RM

Record Loads


Swim, Bike, Run, C2

2 Rounds of:

1min on 3 min off, 1min on 3 min off, 1min on 3 min off

No pacing, This interval set is to be done as close to all out as possible.



Clean & jerk

Back squat

3 sets:
A1. 3 Squat jumps; 20 sec rest
A2. 3-5 Stiff-legged deadlift; 2010; 90 sec rest

Anaerobic Adaptations

Training with continuous prolonged exercise at Anaerobic Threshold intensity level is an effective training method to enhance the oxidative capacity of slow twitch fibers. In addition interval training at an intensity level greater than or equal to VO2 Maxis an effective method to enhance the oxidative capacity of fast twitch fibers. When this type of interval training is used after the preliminary preparation of slow twitch fibers(through prolonged exercise at anaerobic threshold level)it also becomes a method of improving the athletes aerobic capacities with the same effectiveness as the continuous prolonged exercises training.

Yuri Verkhoshansky

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

CrossFit Sydney "Range of motion"

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method


For Time
500m Row
60kg Power Clean 12 reps
45kg Thruster 15 reps

Record time taken


Choose ONE of the Following Sports:

Swim, Bike, Run, C2

Maximal Effort Required.

Swim: 500m, add aT-shirt, paracute or Boots & Utes for drag

Bike: 2 mile Hill climb, Incline between 6-15%

Run: 1 mile Hill climb, Incline between 6-15%,

C2: 2000m, Damper setting between 8-10



Clean & jerk

Front squat
60% x 2 x 10; 1 min rest

3 sets:
A1. GHR x 15
A2. Dips x 10

Differentials in Range of Motion

Why" For Time" is relative to the individual.

Power movements of individuals are fixed and different due to the individual’s range of joint motion and Biomechanical structure. To compare from individual to individual has no value in a training format, rather "For Time" is a reference point for determining increased efficiency for that individual in reference to previous attempts.
Velocity is determined by the time taken to complete the movement through that individuals range of motion.
Training using methods that focus on decreasing the time in which the movement is produced by increasing the efficiency and or acceleration of the movement, increases power generation.
Therefore Timing a WorkOut produces a reference point from which to determine increases in power output when compared to future attempts.

CrossFit Sydney "Aims"

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method


For Time

50 Wall ball shots,10kg
25 L Pull-ups
40 Wall ball shots, 10kg
20 L Pull-ups
30 Wall ball shots, 10kg
15 L Pull-ups
20 Wall ball shots, 10kg
10 L Pull-ups

Record time taken


Choose ONE of The Following Sports: All out efforts.

Swim: 10 x 50m/y with 5 times the recovery (if it takes you 30 seconds to swim 50m/y then you rest 2:30).

Bike: 10 x 1/4 mile with 5 times the recovery (if it takes 30 seconds to bike the 1/4 mile then you recover 2:30)

Run: 10 x 200m with 5 times the recovery (if it takes 40 seconds to run the 200m then you recover 3:20)

C2: 10 x 250m with 5 times the recovery (if it takes 45 seconds to row 250m then you recover 3:45)


Power clean
75% x 2 x 10; 1 min rest

Hang snatch high-pull
70% x 3 x 4

Snatch balance
Max for day

3 sets:
A1. Ab wheel x 15+; 20 sec rest
A2. Side bend x 8-10; 1 min rest


The aim of CrossFit has been to forge a broad, general, and inclusive fitness. We sought to build a program that would best prepare trainees for any physical contingency—prepare them not only for the unknown but for the unknowable. Looking at all sport and physical tasks collectively, we asked what physical skills and adaptations would most universally lend themselves to performance advantage. Capacity culled from the intersection of all sports demands would quite logically lend itself well to all sport. In sum, our specialty is not specializing.
G Glassman

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

CrossFit Sydney "Strength and Conditioning"

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Fitness for Life,for Sports


Back squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Rest 60sec between sets

Record Loads


Choose ONE of the Following Sports:

Swim, Bike, Run, C2

Maximal Effort Required.

Swim: 500m, add aT-shirt, paracute or Boots & Utes for drag

Bike: 2 mile Hill climb, Incline between 6-15%

Run: 1 mile Hill climb, Incline between 6-15%,

C2: 2000m, Damper setting between 8-10



Clean & jerk

Back squat
90% x 1 x 5

3 sets:
A1. Good morning (wide stance, straight knee) x 4-6; 30 sec rest
A2. Chin-ups x AMRAP

Functional Strength Conditioning

Functional Strength and Conditioning is the productive application of force. Your productive force applied may be picking up the grand kids,another persons,removing rocks from a garden.
Regardless, productive application of force in training formats is represented perfectly in functional movement patterns. So we mimic in training the most efficient motor recruitment patterns found in everyday life. Functional Strength training therefore becomes more then a method of simply increasing contractile capacity/strength.
Strength is the muscle’s ability to generate large levels of force. Increased force is directly proportional to the cross sectional area of the muscle. Strength as productive force requires in application, agility balance and coordination.
Power is the ability to move large mass though a set range of motion in short period of time. Productive Power or Applied power is to understand acceleration in movement.
Power, speed and strength have essential coordination, accuracy, agility and balance components.
Functional strength training seeks to address all the related issues of relative power & strength in each session.

Function Strength and Conditioning formats should increase the work capacity across broad time and modal domains and produce transferable adaptation of the above aspects.
If your current S&C format does not address these issues then try the Method.

Monday, February 08, 2010

CrossFit Sydney "What is CrossFit?"

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Fitness for Life,for Sports



30-25-20-15-10-5 reps
GHD sit-up
Back extension
Knees to elbow
40kg Stiff legged deadlift

record time taken


Choose One of the Following Sports:

Swim: 3x(50m/y + 100m/y + 200m/y)

Bike: 3x( 1/2mile + 1 mile+ 2 mile)

Run: 3x( 200m + 400m+ 600m)

C2: 3x( 250m +500m+ 700m)

Rest the exact time it takes you to do each interval in each set. EX. 200m run in 35 sec. rest 35 sec then 400m run, rest 400m time, run 600m, rest 600m time, run 200m, etc.


Power snatch
75% x 2 x 10; 1 min rest

75% x 2 x 10; 1 min rest

Jerk dip squat
100% x 2 x 4

4 sets:
A1. Box jump x 3; no rest
A2. GHB sit-up x 16; 2020; 1 min rest

What is CrossFit?

The CrossFit protocol is designedby G&L Glassman.
We believe it is ideal base conditioning for people who are looking for a challenaging yet rewarding fitness program for life or for people who actively engage in outdoor pursuits or have intense phsyical challenage as part of their vocation.
CrossFit produces what we believe to be a truly functional fitness level that is highly transferable to all athletic pursuits as well as daily physical tasks.
Crossfit is a foundational Core and Conditioning program that seeks to elicit as broad as adaptation response as possible utilizing training formats derived from Gymnastics, Olympic Weight Lifting, Sprinting and Combat disciplines.
Individuals within the program develop greater understanding of applying force while maximizing strength to weight ratio and functional range of movement. Enhancing individual’s competency in physical tasks by improving Cardiovascular and Respiratory Endurance, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Agility, Coordination and Balance.
What results is the ability to apply strength and power in real world environments and or sports providing either a stand alone conditioning routine or a platform for sport specific performance.

What Crossfit isn’t!
We are not a Hypertrophy or Curves program centered on making you look good in underwear! (Although this may be a result)
We are not Psychiatrists!
We are not a Knitting Group!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

CrossFit Sydney 'Which WOD?"

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment


Dead Lift

Record loads


Choose ONE Of the following Sports then do:

Swim, Bike, Run, C2

9x 1min On, 1 min Off

Hold distances as consistent as possible, Bike and Run, do this as an out and back. C2/ swim measure meters.

Foul if you go over or under your 1st round distance. RPE of no less than 16.

Foul= 2 min of max rep push ups.


90% x 1 x 3

Clean & jerk
90% x 1 x 3

Pause back squat - 2RM

3 sets:
A1. 4 Squat jumps; 20 sec rest
A2. 4-6 Stiff-legged deadlift; 2010; 90 sec

How to use the WODs?(Work Out of the Day)


Allowing individuals for cycling through different focus within there training or specific focus for events.

Can be used as a stand alone conditioning unit that can integrated into your own sport specific training.HQ WOD give you a all round basis of strength and conditioning. Broad by design it generally demands a degree of skill acquirement and increases in movement efficiency over a initial period.

Created for those with an Endurance bias as a focus for training.
The Endurance WOD is designed to be completed in conjunction with the CFHQ WOD giving specific endurance training in High intensity format.If you have Tri/ Cycling or running as your sport we recommend you try this WOD Endurance. A training split of 4~6 hours between HQ WOD and Endurance WOD is recommended.The aim is efficient use of training time to best equip individuals for endurance events.

WOD Strength is designed as a stand alone cycle for developing relative strength and improved performance in Clean &Jerk and Snatch lifts. Based around 1RM% of complex lifts and ballistic lifts it will also give you a progressive template for improving your 1RM in basic Lifts. A byproduct can be Mass Gain (largely dependent on nutrition) however its focus is improve strength.
Small 10min in duration Metabolic Conditioning circuits can be used in conjunction with the WOD Strength to maintain strength and conditioning without taking away from progressive strength gains.
If using WOD Strength in conjunction with HQ WOD it is best to scale one or the other in relation to your goals of either strength gains or increased anaerobic conditioning.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

CrossFit Sydney "Fit or CrossFit ?"

CrossFit Strength&Conditioning
Get Function


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of

60kg SDL HP
Pull to inverted hang and lower as slowly as possible -> (Back Lever Lower and Rise)

On SDHP's, pull the bar to make contact under the chin. On pulls to inverted hang, keep arms, trunk, hips, and legs as straight as possible, both up and down. This is not for time.


Swim, Bike, Run, C2


40 seconds on, 20 seconds off for 5 rounds. All out Efforts, Terrain and Incline are your choice.


90% x 1 x 3

Clean & jerk
90% x 1 x 3

Front squat
55% x 2 x 10; 1 min rest

3 sets:
A1. GHR x 12
A2. Press x 5-7

Fit or CrossFit?

CrossFit is a base strength and conditioning format seeking to be as broad and functional as possible.
The primary focus is to develop increases in relative strength to body weight ratio and create greater efficiency within the anaerobic system.
CrossFit will work your weaknesses and challenge you with new skills. Developing a highly transferable form of fitness that can be a stand alone program or base conditioning for sport specific goals.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

CrossFit Sydney "Core Strength"

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment


30 60cm Box Jump
30 10kg Wall Ball

record time taken


Swim, Bike, Run, C2

12min Time Trial:


90% x 1 x 3

Clean & jerk
90% x 1 x 3

Back squat
85% x 3 x 3

3 sets:
A1. Good morning (wide stance, straight knee) x 6-8; 30 sec rest
A2. Chin-ups x AMRAP

Core Strength and Conditioning

This phrase has a double meaning

1. The CrossFit method seeks to create a foundation base line level of fitness that has application to all athletic past times.

2. The CrossFit Method seeks to condition and strengthen the Core Muscles.
Efficient and productive human movement relies on extension and flexion of the hips and extension flexion and rotation of the trunk and torso, ”the core muscles”. These movements originate at the core and are relayed at increasing velocities to the extremities.

The CrossFit Method strengthens the Core Muscles through mixed modality cross training involving functional movement at high intensities, coupled with a core curriculum that emphasizes learning new skills and sports to assist in improving and applying their fitness conditioning.