Try the Method
CFS will be closed
Friday 19th of February and Saturday 20th of February
So we can all go and Play at the Sectionals
See you there
For Rds
32kg KB Swing 8 Reps
12 GHD Sit Ups
Record Rds complete and fractions
Choose ONE of the following Sports:
Swim: SC:2x6 min, LC: 3x6min, U: 4x6min,Rest 2 min Between intervals
Bike: SC: 2x12 min LC:3x12min, U: 4x12min Rest 2 min Between intervals
Run:SC: 2x10min,LC: 3x10min, U: 4x10min, Rest 2 min Between intervals
C2: SC: 2x7min,LC: 3x7min,U: 4x7min: Rest 2 min Between intervals
Cover as much distance as possible on each interval.
Power snatch
75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
High-hang clean & jerk
60% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
Front squat
70% x 1; focus on speed up
GHB sit-ups - 50 total
20-15-10 reps:
Box jump - above knee+
Kipping pull-ups
Lactate Threshold
What is it?
When the body is at rest or at regular work conditions, your metabolic rate creates a balance between lactate production and blood lactate removal. The Lactate Threshold (the Margin in which your body can no longer remove lactate as fast as it is produced) directly refers to exercise stress, which produces a rapid increase in blood lactate and a decreased or less then efficient lactate removal.
Protocols that combine high volume (high work capacity), maximal steady –state training (Fluctuating Intensity Work) and Interval Training (high Intensity Work) result in increased Lactate Threshold.
Generally thought to be a concern for Power Athletes Lactate Threshold training (conditioning to improve the bodies ability to balance blood lactate production and removal during times of exercise stress) can dramatically improve performance in endurance events as will as power orientated events.
For the Generalist?
So what’s it all mean to me Recreational Jo?
Protocols that focus on Lactate Threshold improvement create a time efficient format that has multiple impacts on every aspect of fitness. Providing a board-reaching program in minimal time. That with appropriate nutrition and recovery techniques, individuals are left with an ideal conditioning structure that produces abilities and allows time to be applied to other disciplines.
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