For Life For Sport
Try the Method
For time
5 Muscle-ups
45kg Back squat, 15 reps
10 Muscle-ups
45kg Back squat, 30 reps
15 Muscle-ups
45kg Back squat, 45 reps
10 Muscle-ups
45kg Back squat, 30 reps
5 Muscle-ups
45kg Back squat, 15 reps
Record time taken
Choose ONE of The Following Sports:
"Sprint efforts but be Consistent, your times will be used in the upcoming weeks".
Swim: 8x50m/y, hold within 2-3 sec or Foul. Rest 90sec between Intervals
Bike: 8x1/4mile, hold within 2-3 sec or Foul. Rest 90sec between Intervals
Run: 8x200m, hold within 2-3 sec or Foul. Rest 90sec between Intervals
C2: 8x250m, hold within 2-3 sec or Foul. Rest 90sec between Intervals
Foul= Bottom of lunge Isometric holds 90sec Right leg, 90sec Left leg, back knee hovers just above the ground!
Max Effort
Clean & jerk
max Effort
Back squat
max Effort
3 sets:
A1. SLDL x 6
A2. Chin-ups (supinated) x amrap
A "Chipper" is a WOD designed to be challenging by its sheer volume and variety of movements.Chippers tend to require individuals to reduce or pace themselves through each task so as to finish the full event.This requires a degree of metal determination as well as physical fitness.
The solution is to "Chip" away at the volume in small units that do not see you go to failure or deteriorate the technique of the movement.
Decide on a Rep scheme that you can achieve in good form
Set small timed breaks or "walk aways" between the designated reps.
Accumulate the reps until complete.
Don't Give Up
Start Chipping.
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