Sunday, October 24, 2010

CrossFit Sydney "The CF Method"

CrossFit Strength&Conditioning
Get Function


For Time


100kg DL
60kg Overhead Squat

Record time taken


Choose ONE of the Following Sports:

Swim: 3x350y/m, 2 min Recoveries, Best possible pace

Bike: 3x5k, 2 min Recoveries, Best possible pace

Run: 3x1000m, 2 min Recoveries, Best possible pace

C2: 2x1200m, 2 min Recoveries, Best possible pace


Back squat
78% x 3 x 10

Snatch pull
93% (of snatch) x 3 x 2

Snatch deadlift
103% x 3 x 1

The CrossFit Method

Diet: nutrition is the fuel for fitness and health

Metabolic Conditioning: Conditioning of the energy systems of human body, Aerobic lactic acid and phosphocreatine

Dynamic Body Weight Movement: creates functional body control and improves range of motion, balance and agility.

Strength and Power based Lifting/Throwing: creates ability to exert control over external objects and develops power/strength ratios

Outdoor Pursuits/Sports: application and exposure to competitive elements refines specific skills and allows exposure to randomized and unpredictable events of the greater world.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

CrossFit Sydney "Range of Motion"

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available


For Time

10 Wallball shots, 10kg ball
10 Pull-ups

record time


Choose One Of The Following Sports:

Do 20:10 x Distance Until Completion. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Complete stop/rest on the 10 second rest period.

Swim: 800m

Bike: 5 miles

Run: 2 miles

C2: 3K


Front squat
75% x 3 x 10

Clean pull
93% (of clean) x 3 x 2

Clean deadlift
103% (of clean) x 3 x 1

Sit-ups - 3 x max

Differentials in Range of Motion

Why" For Time" is relative to the individual.

Power movements of individuals are fixed and different due to the individual’s range of joint motion and Biomechanical structure. To compare from individual to individual has no value in a training format, rather "For Time" is a reference point for determining increased efficiency for that individual in reference to previous attempts.
Velocity is determined by the time taken to complete the movement through that individuals range of motion.
Training using methods that focus on decreasing the time in which the movement is produced by increasing the efficiency and or acceleration of the movement, increases power generation.
Therefore Timing a WorkOut produces a reference point from which to determine increases in power output when compared to future attempts.

CrossFit Sydney "Hard Bits?"

CrossFit Conditioning
Intensity over Duration



For Time
3 rds

20 L-pull-ups
30 Toes to bar
40 Burpees
Run 800 meters


choose ONE of the following Sports:

Swim: 20min, add T-shirt for drag.

Bike: 30min Hill Climb, 4-8% ave Grade.

Run: 25min Hill Climb, 4-8% ave Grade.

C2: 20min, Damper between 5-8, Hold WATTS @ 20-75 above body weight.


Power clean
(60%x1, 65%x1, 70%x1) x 3

Overhead squat
max for the day

4 sets; no rest:
15 DB muscle snatch
15 pull-ups

Hard Bits?

Becoming fit isn't complicated at all physically, you just have to work hard repeatedly on a varied group of key exercises (eg: squats, pull-ups, Olympic lifts, rowing, running, swimming, handstand pushups, and ring work) and let your body recover from the workouts and improve.

The hard bit is the mental aspect.

CrossFit Programming is mentally challenging and fatiguing. The Intensity and the task completion based protocols will find you wanting to quit, stop or at least rest a little longer. Attrition is not a maybe but a certainty.
Strategies will emerge for your best way through such intensity, but all will take a certain mental commitment and determination that is uncommon in Gym based programs.

Take it on
Function Intensity Variety

CrossFit Sydney "Chipper?"


"CrossFit Total"

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep


Choose ONE of the Following Sports:

Swim: 5 x 200m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 200m. 30 second recoveries

Bike: 5 x 2k holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 2k. 90 second recoveries (1-3-5 should be the same, and 2-4 should be the same if done outside)

Run: 5 x 800m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 800. 90 second recoveries

C2: 5 x 1000m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 1000m. 90 second recoveries


Max Effort

Clean & jerk
Heavy Single

Back squat
Heavy Single

Stiff-legged deadlift
3 x 5


A "Chipper" is a WOD designed to be challenging by its sheer volume and variety of movements.Chippers tend to require individuals to reduce or pace themselves through each task so as to finish the full event.

The solution is to "Chip" away at the volume in small units that do not see you go to failure.Set small timed breaks bewteen reps that you can achieve in good form.
Start Chipping.

CrossFit Sydney "Power"

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment


"War Frank"
For Time
25 Muscle Up
100 squat
35 GHD Sit Ups

record time taken


Choose ONE Of the following Sports then do:

Swim, Bike, Run, C2

8x 2min On, 1 min Off

Hold distances as consistent as possible, Bike and Run, do this as an out and back. C2/ swim measure meters.

Foul if you go over or under your 1st round distance. RPE of no less than 16.

Foul. 3min Isometric bottom of squat hold.


90% x 1 x 3

Clean & jerk
90% x 1 x 3

Pause back squat

3 sets:
A1. SLDL x 8
A2. Chin-ups (supinated) x amrap

Chasing the Power Ratio

Why we train to maximize the Power to Mass Ratio.

Power = Work/Time
Work = Force x distance

Power involves more then just this formula entails. Power is functional strength expressed in terms of acceleration, execution time or velocity in a given motor skill or kinetic chain rather then isolated exercise. Power is to generate/apply force, which requires other key areas of agility, speed, reaction and range of movement.
Increasing Power means to increase other areas of motor skill and kinetic movement such as relative strength, speed, agility and range of movement. The training of these key factors goes together to increase both Aerobic and Anaerobic capacity by focusing on the interrelated Energy Systems of the Phosphagen and Fast & Slow Glycolysis.
Regardless of your Goals increasing your power ratio will aid competency in movement and performance.

CrossFit Sydney "WOD?"

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Function Intensity Variety


Clean, 1 rep
Bench press, 1 rep
Overhead squat, 1 rep

Clean is from the ground, power or squat.

Record totals


Choose ONE of The Following Sports:

Cover as much distance as possible.

Swim: 10min TT

Bike: 15min TT

Run: 15min TT

C2: 10min TT


80% x 1 x 5

Clean & jerk
80% x 1 x 5

Back squat
80% x 5 x 5

3 sets; no rest:
15 KB swings (wide stance, feet straight forward)
15 kipping pull-ups


WOD stands for Work Out of the Day.
This is the main focus for that day and is set out in a task completion format.WODs are the recommended focus for that day and do not include a warm up or cool down nor skill or technique issues however we recommend your WOD incorporate these elements.

WOD as Rxed?
The work out of the day as written or as recommended is to complete the task as per the instructions.

Can't do the WOD as Rxed?
Can't complete due to technique, equipment,volume,load etc. Then scale the WOD so that it is achievable within a time frame of 45mins.
Scale for completion.
So you can get through the WOD
Scale for Effect
So as to focus on an element of the training effect(strength,speed)

CrossFit Sydney "The Difference"

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method


For Time

7 Rds
45kg Power snatch, 7 reps
45kg Snatch balance, 7 reps
45kg Overhead squat, 7 reps

record time taken


Swim, Bike Run, C2

All Out Efforts.

1min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on, 40 sec off, 1 min on, 30 sec off, 1 min on 20 sec off, 1 min on, 10 sec off, then go back up the ladder until you finish with 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on.


80% x 1 x 5

Clean & jerk
80% x 1 x 5

Pause back squat

3 sets:
A1. 5 Squat jumps; 20 sec rest
A2. 8 Stiff-legged deadlift; 2010; 90 sec rest

Notes: Pause back squats must have a minimum of 3-4 sec pause in the bottom position before recovery; focus on maximal acceleration up from the dead stop (no bouncing). Squat jumps are unweighted: jump vertical to maximum height, absorb into a full squat, catch the bounce as you would with a clean, and immediately jump again until all reps are complete; speed and change of direction at the bottom are key.

The Difference

"CrossFit promotes discipline of the body and mind and enhances self-confidence both within and outside the gym.

The only downside of training CF is that you can’t go into a “Globo Gym” anymore without wondering how someone could take 25,000 sq. ft. of space, $100,000 of budget and still come up with something that is completely useless as a means of getting in shape. Give a CF’er a chinning bar, a piece of floor and something heavy, and you’ll get “elite fitness” in no time."
