Saturday, February 24, 2007
CrossFit Sydney
Personal Trianing,Group Sessions,Equipment
M.E.(Maximin Effort) Work Outs
Know your max?
Warm Up-> get to your Max Load.
Now complete all 7 singles with your Max Load.
Rest as long as you need to get the next single.
Coping the Fail?
Not happening?
Reduce the load by 1.5kg until you make the clean single lift.
Continue your singles at the new load.
Over Head Squat
Record Loads
CrossFit Sydney Conditioning
Conditioning for Every Body
Group Classes,PT Sessions
Based at Cook & Phillip Aquatic Centre
For time:
30 Handstand push-ups
10 Pull-ups
20 Handstand push-ups
20 Pull-ups
10 Handstand push-ups
30 Pull-ups
Record overall Time
Warm Up
Sprint Drills
3 Rds
10 lunge
5 Chin Ups
15 Back Extensions
Friday, February 23, 2007
CrossFit Sydney M.E.?
Try the Method
Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD Morning & Lunch
For Free Fitness Assesment and Consultation
M.E. Methods
1.Increase the load until you hit failure,make sure you have a spotter to assit to top of movement then work down the weight.
2.Know your Max? Then work up to it and try to complete 5 or more singles with the your Max.
3. After hitting Failure weight, continue to attempt Chins with an assit to the top of movement, Lock off for 2 seconds,work the concentric(eg in the Chin Up the Lowing phase) movement in slow controlled fashion.
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Record Loads
Rest >2min between attempts
Warm Up
Skip 4Rds
2min on
30sec rest
4 Rds
5 Push Ups
3 Chin Up
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
CrossFit Sydney Specialization
Park and Gym PT sessions available
Group Sessions at Cook& Phillip Aquatic Centre
Monday ~ Friday Morning & Lunch time
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, and die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects."
----Robert Heinlein
20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Sit Ups
50 Squats
Rest 3mins between Rds
Record time for each Rd
Add On
Mobility Drills
CrossFit Sydney An Idea?
Function Variety Intensity
Personal Training and Group Classes
Cook & Phillip Aquatic Centre CBD
An Idea
Imagine an idea that propels athletes and soldiers alike to seek even higher base levels of competentcy.
Imagine an idea that is so open source nimble, and ever self correcting, self improving in its daily application that it doesn't risk irrelevancy.
Imagine an idea that changes they way the health care rehabilitation industry (physical therapy) organizes and implements its care.
Imagine an idea that carries such self evident truth with it that thousands of people spontaneously form community and fellowship.
Crossfit promotes daily self competition, self reflection, and self refinement.
For Time
800m Run
2min Rest
Record Split times
Warm Up
Sprint Drills on 40m
10 Push Ups
5 Tuck Jumps
3 Burpees
Saturday, February 17, 2007
CrossFit Sydney CFT?
Function Variety Intensity
Personal Training and Group Classes
Cook & Phillip Aquatic Centre CBD
CrossFit Total (CFT)
This WOD is a way of determining your 1 Rep Max for the 3 Central Lifts of Squat,Press and Pull (Deadlift).
This total will give you a reference point to compare future WOs and a method of caluating approx loads for other strength based protocols used in the WODs[eg: 5x5,7x3]
Ideally you should have some approx loads in your mind for 5 Rep Max, 3 Rep Max and 1 Rep Max.
How do I go about it?
Warm Up
Aproach the first lift by doing 15 to 20 reps at a light weight paying attention to form.[eg:empty bar]
Perform 5 reps at a greater load but below your 5 rep max.
Perform 3 reps at a greater loads but below your 3rep max
Perform a Heavy single at approx 3 RepMax
You are ready.
You have 3 attempts to achieve the best 1Rep Max you can perform.
Rest >3mins between attempts
Gee yourself the F up,or get your partner to charge you up!!(feel free to be creative in this process and send all photos or vids to CrossFit Sydney)
First Attempt Your 3 Rep Max or slightly above[Use the result [Fail or Clean lift] to determine whether to attempt more or less load. ]-Rest
Second AttemptYour 2 Rep Max or slightly above[Use the result [Fail or Clean lift] to determine whether to attempt more or less load.] -Rest
Third Attempt
Load what you believe to be your Maximal Effort,attempt the Lift.Your performance in the previous two lifts should guide your load.
Continue the Process for the next Lift.
Some Precautions From Coach M Rippetoe
Don't be a F ing Idiot
Don't CFT if you are injured to the extent that a CFT will aggravate the problem.
Don't Overreach
Be ambitious not greedy.
Don't Cheat
This is a test,its designed to measure whats there,not create something that's not.
That's what training is for.
"CrossFit Total"
Back Squat 1rep
Shoulder Press 1 rep
Dead Lift 1 rep
Record Loads and add together for CFT
Warm Up
Row 3x
500m 1min Rest
10 Push Ups
5 Box Jumps
Friday, February 16, 2007
CrossFit Sydney The CrossFit Method
Strength and Conditioning for Every Body
Park and Gym PT sessions available
Group Sessions at Cook& Phillip Aquatic Centre
Monday ~ Friday Morning & Lunch time
The CrossFit Method
Diet: nutrition is the fuel for fitness and health
Metabolic Conditioning: Conditioning of the energy systems of human body, Aerobic lactic acid and phosphocreatine
Dynamic Body Weight Movement: creates functional body control and improves range of motion, balance and agility.
Strength and Power based Lifting/Throwing: creates ability to exert control over external objects and develops power/strength ratios
Outdoor Pursuits/Sports: application and exposure to competitive elements refines specific skills and allows exposure to randomized and unpredictable events of the greater world.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press: body weight
Clean: 3/4 body weight
Set up three bars and storm through for time.
Record Overalltime and loads
Warm Up
3 Pull Ups
5 BS Snatch
10 Back Extensions
CrossFit Sydney Core Strength and Conditioning
Strength and Condtioning Programs
Group Sessions Cook&Phillip Aquatic Centre
Morning and Lunch
Core Strength and Conditioning
This phrase has a double meaning
1. The CrossFit method seeks to create a foundation base line level of fitness that has application to all athletic past times.
2. The CrossFit Method seeks to condition and strengthen the Core Muscles.
Efficient and productive human movement relies on extension and flexion of the hips and extension flexion and rotation of the trunk and torso, ”the core muscles”. These movements originate at the core and are relayed at increasing velocities to the extremities.
The CrossFit Method strengthens the Core Muscles through mixed modality cross training involving functional movement at high intensities, coupled with a core curriculum that emphasizes learning new skills and sports to assist in improving and applying their fitness conditioning.
For time
15 Handstand push-ups
1 L Pull-up
13 Handstand push-ups
3 L Pull-ups
11 Handstand push-ups
5 L Pull-ups
9 Handstand push-ups
7 L Pull-ups
7 Handstand push-ups
9 L Pull-ups
5 Handstand push-ups
11 L Pull-ups
3 Handstand push-ups
13 L Pull-ups
1 Handstand push-up
15 L Pull-ups
Record Overall Time
Warm Up
Row 2000m
Add On
Mobility Drills
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
CrossFit Sydney Aspects of "Fitness"
Strength and Conditioning
Function Intensity Variety
Group Sessions Monday ~ Friday 6am,7am ,8am
Cook&Phillip Center CBD
Aspects of " Fitness"
Including improving efficiency and increasing work capacity of
The interlinked Cardio Vascular Aerobic and Anaerobic Systems
Relative Strength
Power to Body weight Ratio
Flexibility and Range of Joint Mobility
These Aspects together form the basis of efficient and effective human movement the training of which should be included in any focused Fitness routine. This is achieved by Cross Training the skills of multiple modalities, which have functional movement at their core.
Through this individuals develop a high level of competency at the above aspects of fitness, developing a core strength and conditioning that can be applied to any specific performance sets with minimal refinement.
For Time
3RdsRun 800m
50 Sit Ups
50 Back Extensions
Warm Up
8 x
Monday, February 12, 2007
CrossFit Sydney Do,Not Try,Do
Strength and Conditioning for Every Body
Group Sessions Monday - Friday
Cook&Phillip Park CBD
Sport and Goal Specific Personal Training Available
Ode to the People who Do.
It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
-Teddy Roosevelt
Back Squat
Rest >2min between Attempts
Record Loads
Warm Up
3x 400m for form
2min Rest
3 Rds
5 BS Snatch
10 Push Ups
5 Chin Ups
10 Back Extensions
Add Ons
Practise Form
Squat Cleans
Sunday, February 11, 2007
CrossFit Sydney Body Types?
Function Intensity Variety
Morning group sessions at Cook & Phillip Aquatic Center Gym
Sport and goal specific Personal Training available
KettleBells and S&C equipment sales
50 24kg KB Swings
Saturday, February 10, 2007
CrossFit Sydney Endurance
Function Intensity Variety
Group Sessions Monday ~ Friday 6am,7am ,8am
Cook&Phillip Center CBD
Thursday, February 08, 2007
CrossFit Sydney Sport Specific Performance
Strength and Conditioning for Every Body
Group Sessions Monday - Friday
Cook&Phillip Park CBD
Sport and Goal Specific Personal Training Available
Sport Specific Performance
Want to get better at a Sport then at some stage you will have to devote more time to that specific sport skill set and movement patterns. Depending on your present skill level improvement may require stages of focus to progress efficiently.
CrossFit provides a base line conditioning that is ideal for most power sports. That said CrossFit programming would need to tweaked to suit and be compatible with on going sport specific skill development just as CrossFit is scaled to suit the individual. Crossfit Conditioning will only complement SSP by maintaining and/or increasing work capacity and prevent possible injuries.
Got a Sport?
Then get the CrossFit advantage.
For Time
Row 1000m
50 reps 20kg Thruster
30 rep Kipping Pull Ups
Record Overall time and Row Split
Warm Up
1min On 15 sec Rest
10 Double Unders start of each minute
3 Rds
6 Power Overs
3 Chin Ups
CrossFit Sydney Hard Bits?
Function Intensity Variety
Group Sessions Monday ~ Friday 6am,7am ,8am
Cook&Phillip Center CBD
The hard bit is the mental aspect.
CrossFit Programming is mentally challenging and fatiguing. The Intensity and the task completion based protocols will find you wanting to quit, stop or at least rest a little longer. Attrition is not a maybe but a certainty.
Strategies will emerge for your best way through such intensity, but all will take a certain mental commitment and determination that is uncommon in Gym based programs.
Take it on
Function Intensity Variety
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
CrossFit Sydney GPP?
Strength and Conditioning for Every Body
Group Sessions Monday - Friday
Cook&Phillip Park CBD
Sport and Goal Specific Personal Training Available
This refers to a level of fitness needed to be prepared for a variety of contingencies. In close relation to Functional Fitness practices, GPP is to be conditioned at a base level of competency within fitness activities. This GPP has implications for any individual who has physical demands placed unpin them with little preparation time.
What role does GPP serve?
GPP serves as a multi faceted component of training to maintain and perfect skills that serve in auxiliary roles in life and sport.
In relation to an Athlete a major role of GPP is to form, strengthen or restore skills that play an important but secondary role to your sport. GPP seeks to increase and maintain overall work capacity in areas that are under developed. GPP can expose individuals to new skills and push individuals mentally via challenging protocols. GPP can uncover weakness and promote balance. GPP can provide important off-season variety or unloads phases after focus stages.
In the average person GPP seeks to condition across a diverse range of activities. GPP produces increased work capacity across a broad range of disciplines and skills and lays a foundation for healthy movement patterns. A strong base of GPP leads to fast adaptation process to unfamiliar or unaccustomed physical and mental demands.
Function Intensity Variety
Sunday, February 04, 2007
CrossFit Sydney Transfer?
Get CrossFit!
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Sport or Goal Specific Personal Training Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation
CrossFit strength and conditioning exposes people to a wide range of functional movement patterns so that skill and fitness gained can be transferred to other sporting/life domains.
CrossFit results in crossover of abilities due to its focus on fundamental movement agility,power and coordination.Aspects that are common to life as they are to sports.
Outdoor Activities and Transfer
Crossfitters find that sports such as outdoor activities that involve completion of tasks against time and the elements, require a variety of skill as well as considerable metal commitment.
CrossFit tends to be ideal conditioning for Outdoor Pursuits. Keeping individuals in an above average level of "preparedness" for a variety of tasks.
Like to X Country Ski in Winter,MTB in Autumn,Climb in Summer and Trail Run in Spring?
Then CrossFit is for You.
WOD 5/2/07
For Time
120 Kipping Chin Ups
120 Dips
Do them in alternating sets of 5
Record overall time
Warm Up
125m 30sec Rest
3 Rds
3 Burpees
5 Box Jumps
10 Tuck Jumps
CrossFit Sydney How to do CrossFit?
Get CrossFit!
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Sport or Goal Specific Personal Training Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation
Learn the mechanics of fundamental movements; establish a consistent pattern of practicing these same movements, and, only then, ratchet up the intensity of workouts incorporating these movements. "Mechanics," then "Consistency," and then "Intensity" - this is the key to effective implementation of CrossFit programming.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
CrossFit Sydney Named Work Outs??
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~FridayCook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation
Named Work Outs
"I did Fran last night and the Thrusters in the 2nd Rd smoked me"
Named Work Out are part of the jargon of CrossFit training.
CrossFit is a world wide community with many people linked through the WOD whether variations or HQs. Bench Mark WOs are given names so that just uttering that name will give people an understanding of whats involved and may even evoke feeling from previous WOs.
CrossFitters develop a love/hate relationship with some WOs.Women's names are used often for Bench mark WOs, probably for the same reason they are used to name hurricanes which gives you a hint to their intensity.
Male names are used as a mark of respect of fallen service men.
So get with the jargon and enjoy doing a Girl or trashing a Guy next time your in the gym.
For Time
21,15,9 reps
45kg Thruster
Kipping Pull Ups
Record Overall Time
Warm Up
5 Burpees
10 Bar Snatch
15 Split Lunge
Add Ons
Plank Variations
Arch Variation
Glute Ham Raise