Sunday, August 16, 2009

CrossFit Sydney "An Idea"

CrossFit Sydney
Function Variety Intensity


For Rep Count

Double Under for 2 minutes
Sit Ups for 2min
Double Unders for 90 sec
Sit Ups for 90sec
Double Under 1min
Sit Up 1min
Double Under 30 sec
Sit Up 30sec

Record Reps counts


Choose ONE of The Follwing Sports:

Swim: 8 x 50m 3-5 sec slower then best avg for distance. Rest 30 seconds between intervals

Bike: 8 x 1/4M @90% of best avg. Rest 1 min between intervals

Run: 8 x 200m @ 90% of best avg. Rest 1 min between intervals

C2: 8 x 250m @ 90% of best avg. Rest 1 min between intervals

Strength and Conditioning Recovery...
This can and should be done the day of races, after long runs, or on Sundays after interval work.

Glute Ham Developer Sit-ups (make sure you are extending knees aggressively to come up... your quads should also burn on this) 3 x 15, Glute Ham Developer hip extensions (hamstrings and butt should burn), Kettlebell/Dumbbell swings 3 x 15, Bench Press, Pull-ups All exercises with light - medium weight. 3 sets! Reps are until you feel burn in target area or prescribed amount. This is not a timed WOD.




Back Squat

For Time
10 K2E
20 Back extensions

An Idea

Imagine an idea that propels athletes and soldiers alike to seek even higher base levels of competentcy.
Imagine an idea that is so open source nimble, and ever self correcting, self improving in its daily application that it doesn't risk irrelevancy.
Imagine an idea that changes they way the health care rehabilitation industry (physical therapy) organizes and implements its care.
Imagine an idea that carries such self evident truth with it that thousands of people spontaneously form community and fellowship.
Crossfit promotes daily self competition, self reflection, and self refinement.

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