Sunday, February 14, 2010

CrossFit Sydney "The Difference"

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment

Congratulations to Sven Dave Kat and Liz all Qualified for the CF regionals in May


CrossFit Total

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Add loads for CFT


Choose ONE of the Following sports:

Swim: 2x8 min, Rest 2 min Between intervals

Bike: 2x15 min, Rest 2 min Between intervals

Run: 2x12min, Rest 2 min Between intervals

C2: 2x8min, Rest 2 min Between intervals

Cover as much distance as possible in each of the 2 intervals.


Power snatch
max; 75% of that x 2 x 4

Power jerk
max; 75% of that x 2 x 4

Jerk springs
90% (of jerk) x 5 x 5

4 sets:
A1. 4 box jumps
A2. 10 Hanging leg raise

Notes: Jerk springs - This is a jerk dip squat, but with a focus on a quick change of direction in the bottom of the dip (trying to "bounce" at the bottom). Return to the top without and immediately return to the bottom of the next rep to complete the series in rapid succession.

The Difference

"CrossFit promotes discipline of the body and mind and enhances self-confidence both within and outside the gym.

The only downside of training CF is that you can’t go into a “Globo Gym” anymore without wondering how someone could take 25,000 sq. ft. of space, $100,000 of budget and still come up with something that is completely useless as a means of getting in shape. Give a CF’er a chinning bar, a piece of floor and something heavy, and you’ll get “elite fitness” in no time."


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