Thursday, February 25, 2010

CrossFit Sydney "Sport Specific"

CrossFit Conditioning
For Life For Sport
Try the Method

Kat destroying Ring Push Ups at the Newcastle Sectionals


Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Try to increase the load on each of the fifteen sets or work 80-90% of 1RM across all sets

Record Loads


Choose ONE Of The Following Sports

Swim, Bike Run, C2

Swim: SC: 12min, LC: 15min, U: 35min

Bike:SC-LC 60min, U: 80min

Run: SC: 20min, LC: 30min, U: 60min

C2: 25min


90% x 1 x 3

Clean & jerk
90% x 1 x 3

Front squat
55% x 2 x 10; 1 min rest

4 sets:
A1. GHR x 10
A2. Dips x 10

Sport Specific Performance

Want to get better at a Sport then at some stage you will have to devote more time to that specific sport skill set and movement patterns. Depending on your present skill level improvement may require stages of focus to progress efficiently.
CrossFit provides a base line conditioning that is ideal for most power sports.

That said CrossFit programming would need to tweaked to suit and be compatible with on going sport specific skill development just as CrossFit is scaled to suit the individual. CrossFit Conditioning will only complement SSP by maintaining and/or increasing work capacity and prevent possible injuries.

Got a Sport?
Then get the CrossFit advantage.

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