Try the Method
Cook&Phillip Centre
For Free Fitness Assesment and Consultation
You may talk about Crossfit
You are not your WOD Time
You are not your Dead Lift Number
You are not your 5min Snatch
No One Wins a WO
You seek Intensity over Duration
Everyone will experience Attrition
If the WO was easy you didn't WO
If this is your first WO, you must complete as Recommended
"Fight Gone Bad!"
3 Rds:
Wall-ball, 10kg 2.4m target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 32kg KB (Reps)
Box Jump, 50cm (Reps)
Push-press, 35kg (Reps)
Row (Calories)
1Rd is 1min on each exercise. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating for the 3Rds. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score.Score by allocating One point for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
Add your points and record total score.
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