Wednesday, August 12, 2009

CrossFit Sydney "Ranking Work Outs"

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function


Chin Up Ladder
1 Chin Up first minute->2 chin ups second minute -> continue until you cannot complete required chin up for that minute within the minute

Record minutes and extra pull ups


Choose One of the Following Sports:

Swim: 3x(50m/y + 100m/y + 200m/y)

Bike: 3x( 1/2mile + 1 mile+ 2 mile)

Run: 3x( 200m + 400m+ 600m)

C2: 3x( 250m +500m+ 700m)

Rest the exact time it takes you to do each interval in each set. EX. 200m run in 35 sec. rest 35 sec then 400m run, rest 400m time, run 600m, rest 600m time, run 200m, etc.


Front Squat

Snatch Balance

Power Clean

3x5 L/R

Ranking WOs

Constantly varied programming built from functional exercises executed at high intensity is the key to CrossFit’s physiological advantage. Our distillation of load, range of motion, exercise, power, work, line of action, flexibility, speed, and all pertinent metabolic's to a single value – usually time.
Public performance ranking in group sessions for each workout has seen the motivation and acceleration of improvement of those less physically capable by temperament, training, or natural limitation. Ranking has seemingly done more for bottom performers than top performers.
The skill elements included in CrossFit Conditioning furthers the sense of sport that so motivates individuals. CrossFit feels like sport!

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