Thursday, September 10, 2009

CrossFit Sydney "For Time"

CrossFit Conditioning
For Life For Sport
Try the Method


Push Jerk

Record Loads


Choose ONE Of the following Sports then do:

Swim, Bike, Run, C2

3 Rounds of:

1min on 1 min off, 1min on 1min off, 1min on 1min off

Hold distances as consistant as possible, Bike and Run, do this as an out and back. C2/ swim measure meters.

Foul if you go over or under your 1st round distance. RPE of no less than 16.

Foul= 1 min of max rep push ups.


3 Position Clean (Floor-knee mid thigh)

Snatch DL

Front Squat

For Time
Box Jump
DB Muscle Snatch 25%of best Bar MS

"For Time"

"For Time" indicates that the WOD will be timed from beginning until completion of all tasks set out.

Why Time a Work Out?

To create a Sense of Urgency: Life and Sport require actions to be completed with the pressure of time placed upon results.The CrossFit Method believes in Intensity,Load and Volume over duration. In order to elicit pressure and maintain intensity within a Work Out, CrossFit WODs add the aspect of performing against the clock.

This "time" becomes a performance reference point when repeating the same workout in the future and gives individuals a goal to work towards.Bettering your Time.

Timing a WO elicits Power Generation.

Power=[Force X Distance]/Time.

By challenging Power Output we fatigue the Systems of the Human Body.Increasing an individuals power output can promote increases in absolute and relative strength, speed and endurance.

Timing a Work Out is all about You!

No one else,and the clock doesn't lie.

Want a faster time then suck in some O2 and crank another quality rep.

Responsibility Sucks doesn't it!

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