Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Attrition & Psychologcial Conditioning

Attrition& Mental Determination
The Crossfit method places individuals into routines that imposes pressure to perform.At some stage regardless of previous experience, fitness levels etc, attrition sets in.
If it does not, you are cheating only yourself because you are cruising!
Give me 10 Burpees!
At this point of Attrition, a familar question pops into the mind of most Crossfiters.
Quit Now!
Most push through mentally,they trick their mind that its worth doing the extra reps in order to gain something.
In the terms of training that gain is to Finish.
Those that do Quit usually go to Body Building and buy mirrors for above their bed.

There are times in sport and life that individuals are placed in situations that are uncomfortable and regardless of experience, aptitude or intelligence you will have to grit it out or quit.
Rarely in Gym based fitness programs is there this type of nesscesity.
Pushing yourself through training that stimulates pressured performance is seen as "Character Building" in common wisdom.
What does this all mean?
A conditioning routine without the presence of some kind of attrition based training format robs participants of the important aspect of psychological conditioning.

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