Wednesday, April 30, 2008

CrossFit Sydney Endurance

CrossFit Strength&Conditioning
Get Function

CF WOD Sessions
Monday to Friday

Main Mixed Modality WOD

Run or Row
Bike 15km
Swim 1.5km

Record Time


40m 1min rest

10x 25m Sprint
75m Slow stroke

10x 400m Srint
1200m Recovery Cadence




Front Squat

Glute Ham Raise


Endurance events have a large metal aspect to them. Repetitive movement has a lasting effect on joints muscles and the mind. While training for increasing efficiency over Long distance can be achieved to an extent by effective High Intensity Formats there is an essential need for Endurance Work if planning long endurance events.
Long Slow Distance is necessary to develop efficient movement technique in your chosen discipline.Which will minimise the repetitive abuse experienced in long events.
LSD can condition the body to cope with such extended bouts of repetitive abuse.This means the little details such as clothing rub,blisters etc as well as conditioning soft tissue.
LSD can prepare you mentally for the extended duration involved.Pushing oneself or pushing together in a group through a long event can build metal determination and confidence in team mates.
Experience in such training will also expose the individual to the elements, conditions and contingencies that are often unpredictable,exposure to such experiences can be invaluable for race or emergency situations.
CrossFit is ideal conditioning for improving the speed at which you participate in endurance events by increasing strength, power, mobility etc, however endurance events require time committed to Sport specific endurance conditioning.
Need a program or Personal Training for an Endurance Event?

Talk to Us

CrossFit Sydney

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

CrossFit Sydney GPP?

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment


Record Loads


All sports, do intervals as fast as possible, hold intervals within 3 seconds of each other or foul. Rest 90seconds before starting next interval. Follow intervals immediately with strength and recovery. Pick one of the following:

Swim: 8x50M

Bike: 8x400m

Run: 8x200m

Strength and Conditioning Recovery.... Glute Ham Developer Situps (make sure you are extending knees aggressively to come up... your quads should burn on this) 3 x 15, Glute Ham Developer hip extensions (hamstrings and butt should burn... nothing else), Kettlebell/Dumbell swings 3 x 15, Bench Press, Pull ups All exercises with light - medium weight. 3 sets! Reps are until you feel burn in target area or prescribed amount

Foul: 1min isometric below parallel squat




Clean Pull

Back Squat

General Physical Preparedness


This refers to a level of fitness needed to be prepared for a variety of contingencies. In close relation to Functional Fitness practices, GPP is to be conditioned at a base level of competency within fitness activities.GPP has implications for any individual who has physical demands placed unpon them with little preparation time.

What role does GPP serve?
GPP serves as a multi faceted component of training to maintain and perfect skills that serve in auxiliary roles in life and sport.

In relation to an Athlete a major role of GPP is to form, strengthen or restore skills that play an important but secondary role to your sport. GPP seeks to increase and maintain overall work capacity in areas that are under developed. GPP can expose individuals to new skills and push individuals mentally via challenging protocols. GPP can uncover weakness and promote balance. GPP can provide important off-season variety or unloads phases after focus stages.

In the average person GPP seeks to condition across a diverse range of activities. GPP produces increased work capacity across a broad range of disciplines and skills and lays a foundation for healthy movement patterns. A strong base of GPP leads to fast adaptation process to unfamiliar or unaccustomed physical and mental demands.

Monday, April 21, 2008

CrossFit Sydney Strength&Conditioning

CrossFit Strength&Conditioning
Get Function

Back Squat

Record Loads

4x50m 10sec Rest
4x100m 20 sec Rest
2x400m 30sec Rest

4x 100m 1min rest
4x 200m 1.30"
4x 400m 3min"

4x400m Sprint 400 Recovery
4x800m Sprint 800 Recover
2x2km Sprint 1km Recover



Clean Pull

Back Squat

Functional Strength Conditioning

Functional Strength and Conditioning is the productive application of force. Your productive force applied may be picking up the grand kids,another persons,removing rocks from a garden.
Regardless, productive application of force in training formats is represented perfectly in functional movement patterns. So we mimic in training the most efficient motor recruitment patterns found in everyday life. Functional Strength training therefore becomes more then a method of simply increasing contractile capacity/strength.
Strength is the muscle’s ability to generate large levels of force. Increased force is directly proportional to the cross sectional area of the muscle. Strength as productive force requires in application, agility balance and coordination.
Power is the ability to move large mass though a set range of motion in short period of time. Productive Power or Applied power is to understand acceleration in movement.
Power, speed and strength have essential coordination, accuracy, agility and balance components.
Functional strength training seeks to address all the related issues of relative power & strength in each session.

Function Strength and Conditioning formats should increase the work capacity across broad time and modal domains and produce transferable adaptation of the above aspects.
If your current S&C format does not address these issues then try the Method.

CrossFit Sydney Max Effort

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment

Shoulder Press
3-3-3-3-3 reps

Record Loads


Pick one of the following:

Swim: 1000m at 90% of time trial time

Bike: 20km at 90% of 10km time trial

Run: 5k at 90% of 1.6km time trial


Max Effort

Max Effort

Front Squat
Max Effort

M.E.(Maximin Effort) Work Outs

Know your Rep max?
Warm Up-> get to your Max Load.
Now complete all 7 singles with as close as possible your rep Max Load.
Rest as long as you need to get the next single.
Coping the Fail?
Not happening?
Reduce the load by 1.5kg until you make the clean single lift.
Continue your singles at the new load.

CrossFit Sydney Short Change

CrossFit Strength&Conditioning
Get Function

For Time
50 Back extensions
50 Sit Ups

Endurance Athletes do CrossFit Endurance WOD 1-3 hours before main site WOD

Tabata: 8 rounds of 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest, maximal effort.
Pick one of the following:

Swim: Record distance.

Bike: If you are cycling outside record the distance. If you are cycling on a trainer set wattage to 200 watts and record the distance.

Run: If you are running outside record the distance. If you are running on a treadmill set it to a 12% grade and .5kph slower than your best 5k pace... try to make it through entire Tabata.




Front Squat

Short Change

Often individuals take the Met Con WODs as a Time based Competitions or races with the fastest time winning.
Sure, let the person beside you motivate you to perform better, but the real goal of recording times is to monitor improvements in efficiency of movement under stress against that individual’s previous time.
When the Fastest Time becomes the overriding goal, the WO and more importantly the quality of the movement suffers. Individuals don’t quite reach the depth they could in the squat, don’t quite top out in the push up, and heaven forbid they even skip "reps.

The WODs are designed to create a training effect (conditioning) by working through a range of movement in good form at a relatively high intensity.
Reduce the range of movement or the quality of the technique in order to maximize the intensity and you will only cheat yourself out of valuable conditioning. The WOD isn’t about winning its about maximizing work capacity. Develop fluid movement through good form and correct ROM, then ratchet up the intensity to work for Personal Best times.

Don’t let this happen to your WOD; don’t short change the training effect in order to beat the gent next to you.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

CrossFit Sydney Rest

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method

For Time

400m Run
45kg OHSquat 15 reps

Record overallTime


Pick one







Back Squat

L Sit Prac

Rest Intervals

Regulate the training effect of resistance exercises.
Muscle Relaxation from correct rest periods facilitates ATP re-synthesis via the Creatine Phosphate system creates conditions for improving energy supply.Recovery time aid the functional interaction between motor and autonomic systems during a a routine.Helps facilitates lactate removal and improves muscle oxidative properties.Dynamic stretches during recovery rest periods such as full range of motion swinging preserves elasticity and helps the muscle to relax.

Get your Rest in

M.E. Days Rest >3min between attempts

Met Con
10-45sec between attempts

CrossFit Sydney WOD?

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

Hang power Clean


Record Loads

The Tosh
Do intervals as prescribed, and recover the same amount of time as last interval before proceeding to next interval. If you deviate more then 3 sec back down the ladder then you foul.

Pick one of the following:

Swim: 100m rest 100m time, 200m, rest 200m time, 400m, rest 400m time, 200m, rest 200m time, 100m

Bike: 45sec, rest 45sec, 1:30, rest 1:30, 3:00, rest 3min, 1:30, rest 1:30, 45sec

Run: 200m, rest 200m time, 400m, rest 400m time, 600m, rest 600m time, 400m, rest 400m time, 200m

Foul: max rep squat



Clean+Push Jerk+Jerk

Back squat


WOD stands for Work Out of the Day.

This is the main focus for that day and is set out in a task completion format.WODs are the recommended focus for that day and do not include a warm up or cool down nor skill or technique issues however we recommend your WOD incorporate these elements.

WOD as Rxed?
The work out of the day as written or as recommended is to complete the task as per the instructions.

Can't do the WOD as Rxed?
Can't complete due to technique, equipment,volume,load etc. Then scale the WOD so that it is achievable within a time frame of 45mins.
Scale for completion.
So you can get through the WOD
Scale for Effect
So as to focus on an element of the training effect(strength,speed)

Monday, April 14, 2008

CrossFit Sydney The Method

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment

"Quarter Gone Bad"

For reps
5 rds
60kg Thruster, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
+25kg Weighted pull-up, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Burpees, 15 seconds
Rest 45 seconds

All total Reps and record

3-5 hours after Main WOD

Pick one of the following:

Swim: 50m/y, 10” rest,100m/y,30” rest 100m/y,10” rest, 50m/y .Rest 2min repeat ladder. Hold or descend each set of intervals (deviate 5sec per equal set and foul)

Bike: 3x5 mile repeats, best possible average (deviate 20 sec or more on headwind/tail wind and foul), 3min rest between intervals.

Run: 1mile TT then do 2 x 400 holding TT pace for each 400 (deviate slower the TT pace and foul). Rest 2 min 1m to 400 and 1 min between 400’s.

Foul: 1min isometric below parallel squat


Snatch Heavy Single

C&J Heavy Single

Back Squat

Record Loads

The CrossFit Method

Diet: nutrition is the fuel for fitness and health

Metabolic Conditioning: Conditioning of the energy systems of human body, Aerobic lactic acid and phosphocreatine

Dynamic Body Weight Movement: creates functional body control and improves range of motion, balance and agility.

Strength and Power based Lifting/Throwing: creates ability to exert control over external objects and develops power/strength ratios

Outdoor Pursuits/Sports: application and exposure to competitive elements refines specific skills and allows exposure to randomized and unpredictable events of the greater world.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

CrossFit Sydney Core Strength and Conditioning

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation


For time
Run or Row

WOD O Lift


Power Clean+Push Jerk+Jerk

Front Squat

Core Strength and Conditioning

This phrase has a double meaning

1. The CrossFit method seeks to create a foundation base line level of fitness that has application to all athletic past times.

2. The CrossFit Method seeks to condition and strengthen the Core Muscles.
Efficient and productive human movement relies on extension and flexion of the hips and extension flexion and rotation of the trunk and torso, ”the core muscles”. These movements originate at the core and are relayed at increasing velocities to the extremities.

The CrossFit Method strengthens the Core Muscles through mixed modality cross training involving functional movement at high intensities, coupled with a core curriculum that emphasizes learning new skills and sports to assist in improving and applying their fitness conditioning.

CrossFit Sydney SSP

CrossFit Conditioning
Try the Method


Rest >3min between attempts
Record Loads

WOD Endurance

Pick one of the following:

Swim: 4 x 200m best possible average (do not deviate more then 5 sec longer per worst 200 or foul)
1 minute recovery

Bike: 4 x 2min on best possible watt or distance average (do not go 10watts lower or .10m/.16km per worst 2min interval or foul),
2 minute recovery

Run: 4 x 200m + 2 x 400m best possible average 90sec rest per 200, 2min rest per 400 (do not go 2 sec slower per worst 200 and 3 sec slower per worst 400 or foul).
2 minute recovery

Sport Specific Performance

Want to get better at a Sport then at some stage you will have to devote more time to that specific sport skill set and movement patterns. Depending on your present skill level improvement may require stages of focus to progress efficiently.
CrossFit provides a base line conditioning that is ideal for most power sports. That said CrossFit programming would need to tweaked to suit and be compatible with on going sport specific skill development just as CrossFit is scaled to suit the individual. Crossfit Conditioning will only complement SSP by maintaining and/or increasing work capacity and prevent possible injuries.

Got a Sport?
Then get the CrossFit advantage.

CrossFit Sydney Credo

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment

For Time
30 Box jump 50cm
30 Wall ball 10kg

Record Overall Time taken

CrossFit Sydney's Work Out of the Day Credo

You may talk about Crossfit!
You are not your WOD Time!
You are not your DeadLift Number!
You are not your 5min Snatch!
No One Wins a WO!
You seek Intensity over Duration!
Everyone will experience Attrition!
If the WO was easy you didn't WO!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

CrossFit Sydney Foundations

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment


Shoulder Press
Push press
Push jerk

Record Loads

CrossFit Foundations

CrossFit Conditioning seeks to perform the basics of movement correctly, efficiently and at high intensity.

Time is spent correcting the Squat, the Press, the Pull of many BW and Weighted Movements.

The simplest BW exercises such as the Chin Up, the Push Up, and the BW Squat are often performed incorrectly or inefficiently. Yet these movements are the foundations of many weighted exercises. Practise and ongoing corrections and refinement of the basics are integral to CrossFit conditioning.

CrossFit Sydney Relative

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function
Personal Training,Group Sessions,Equipment

Chin Ups Ladder
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Record Minutes Completed

Differentials in Range of Motion
Why" For Time" is relative to the individual.

Power movements of individuals are fixed and different due to the individual’s range of joint motion and Biomechanical structure. To compare from individual to individual has no value in a training format, rather "For Time" is a reference point for determining increased efficiency for that individual in reference to previous attempts.
Velocity is determined by the time taken to complete the movement through that individuals range of motion.
Training using methods that focus on decreasing the time in which the movement is produced by increasing the efficiency and or acceleration of the movement, increases power generation.
Therefore Timing a WorkOut produces a reference point from which to determine increases in power output when compared to future attempts.

CrossFit Sydney CFT

CrossFit Sydney
Get Fit,Get Functional

"CrossFit Total"

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Add loads together for CFT

CrossFit Total (CFT)

This WOD is a way of determining your 1 Rep Max for the 3 Central Lifts of Squat,Press and Pull (Deadlift).
This total will give you a reference point to compare future WOs and a method of caluating approx loads for other strength based protocols used in the WODs[eg: 5x5,7x3]
Ideally you should have some approx loads in your mind for 5 Rep Max, 3 Rep Max and 1 Rep Max.

How do I go about it?

Warm Up

Aproach the first lift by doing 15 to 20 reps at a light weight paying attention to form.[eg:empty bar]
Perform 5 reps at a greater load but below your 5 rep max.
Perform 3 reps at a greater loads but below your 3rep max
Perform a Heavy single at approx 3 Rep Max
You are ready.

You have 3 attempts to achieve the best 1 Rep Max you can perform.
Rest >3mins between attempts

Gee yourself the F up,or get your partner to charge you up!!(feel free to be creative in this process and send all photos or vids to CrossFitSydney)

First Attempt Your 3 Rep Max or slightly above[Use the result [Fail or Clean lift] to determine whether to attempt more or less load. ]-Rest
Second Attempt Your 2 Rep Max or slightly above[Use the result [Fail or Clean lift] to determine whether to attempt more or less load.] -Rest
Third Attempt
Load what you believe to be your Maximal Effort,attempt the Lift.Your performance in the previous two lifts should guide your load.

Continue the Process for the next Lift.

Some Precautions From Coach M Rippetoe

Don't be a F ing Idiot
Don't CFT if you are injured to the extent that a CFT will aggravate the problem.

Don't Overreach
Be ambitious not greedy.

Don't Cheat
This is a test,its designed to measure whats there,not create something that's not.
That's what training is for.

Friday, April 04, 2008

CrossFit Sydney Prescription

CrossFit Conditioning
For Life For Sport
Try the Method

Clean & Jerk
15-12-9 reps
Rest 3min between Rds

Decide Load and maintain over all Rds
No Regrip,No Dumping
Chalk up, Touch and Go for clean Reps each Rd

Record Load


The CrossFit prescription is “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement.” Functional movements are universal motor recruitment patterns; they are performed in a wave of contraction from core to extremity; and they are compound movements—i.e., they are multi-joint. They are natural, effective, and efficient locomotors of body and external objects. But no aspect of functional movements is more important than their capacity to move large loads over long distances, and to do so quickly.
G Glassman

CrossFit Sydney How to do CrossFit?

CrossFit Conditioning
Get Function

For Time
30 Glute Ham Sit Ups
25 back extensions

Record time Taken

How to do CrossFit?

Learn the mechanics of fundamental movements; establish a consistent pattern of practicing these same movements, and, only then, ratchet up the intensity of workouts incorporating these movements. "Mechanics," then "Consistency," and then "Intensity" - this is the key to effective implementation of CrossFit programming.

Incremental progressive improvement is the goal of CrossFit Conditioning. The goal is not "winning a WO",nor having the best "Time" or being the best at CrossFit but to continuously improve your skill and conditioning levels. Creating a preparation base of diverse skills and high level of conditioning that is efficient and effective in application for whatever endeavour you choose.

CrossFit Sydney Power

CrossFit Strength and Conditioning
Try the Method

800m 3min Rest

Record Splits

Chasing the Power Ratio

Why we train to maximize the Power to Mass Ratio.

Power = Work/Time
Work = Force x distance

Power involves more then just this formula entails. Power is functional strength expressed in terms of acceleration, execution time or velocity in a given motor skill or kinetic chain rather then isolated exercise. Power is to generate/apply force, which requires other key areas of agility, speed, reaction and range of movement.
Increasing Power means to increase other areas of motor skill and kinetic movement such as relative strength, speed, agility and range of movement. The training of these key factors goes together to increase both Aerobic and Anaerobic capacity by focusing on the interrelated Energy Systems of the Phosphagen and Fast & Slow Glycolysis.
Regardless of your Goals increasing your power ratio will aid competency in movement and performance.

CrossFit Sydney Adaptations

CrossFit Strength & Conditioning
Try the Method
For Free Fitness Assesment and Consultation

For Time
21-15-9 reps
45kg Thruster
Pull Ups

Record Overall Time taken


What we’ve discovered is that CrossFit increases work capacity across broad time and modal domains. This is a discovery of great import and has come to motivate our programming and refocus our efforts. This far-reaching increase in work capacity supports our initially stated aims of building a broad, general, and inclusive fitness program. It also explains the wide variety of sport demands met by CrossFit as evidenced by our deep penetration among diverse sports and endeavors.

We’ve come to see increased work capacity as the holy grail of performance improvement and all other common metrics like VO2 max, lactate threshold, body composition, and even strength and flexibility as being correlates—derivatives, even.

We’d not trade improvements in any other fitness metric for a decrease in work capacity.