Sunday, August 10, 2008

CrossFit Sydney M.E.?

CrossFit Strength and Conditioning
Fit for Sport, Fit for Life
Try the Method


For Time

Record Time


Choose ONE of the following sports then do:

30:20 (that is 30 seconds all out, 20 seconds total rest) x 8 nothing else!

Swim: Use a pool or open water

Bike: Use a Monarch Erg, Stationary Bike with wattage tool, or something similar that can hold a load at 250-300 watts or more.

Run: Use a treadmill and set at 12% grade and 0-30sec slower pace per mile then best 5k pace, and don't lower the speed. You can also use a track, road, or trail, just stop on the rest and turn around and try and cover the same distance on each one, or at #4.

C2: Row 30:20 x 8


Max Effort

Test Max Effort

Front Squat
Max Effort

M.E. stands for Maximal Effort.

These days focus on increasing individuals relative strength through weight bearing protocols built around compound movements.

CrossFit Sydney will instruct and correct technique for the following lifts on most M.E. Days.

The Big 3 are
the Squat
Military or Standing BB Shoulder Press
the Dead Lift.

Other Slow Lifts Include
Bench Press
Front Squat
Overhead Squat
Weighted Chin Ups
Other Ballistic Lifts Include
Clean & Jerk and break downs
Snatch and break downs

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