Tuesday, March 20, 2007

CrossFit Sydney Strength Divisions

CrossFit Strength & Conditioning
Try the Method
Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD Morning & Lunch
For Free Fitness Assesment and Consultation

Strength Divisions

Reactive Strength
The ability to transfer from fastest eccentric to fastest concentric movement. Used in almost any power based activity or sport. Reactive strength involves the stretch shortening cycle where the muscle lengthens under tension and stores kinetic energy, which is transferred from eccentric to concentric contraction (think elastic band)

Starting Strength
The Isometric muscle contraction on the initial moment of tension in a movement.
The force developed within the first 30 milliseconds of a movement.

Acceleration Strength
The ability to apply force quickly through acceleration from the beginning to end of a movement.

Each of these elements of strength play essential role in the application of strength in life or sports away from the Gym.

Train for Effect

2 min Rest between each Sprint
Record Splits for each 400m

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