Tuesday, January 30, 2007

CrossFit Sydney Something About CrossFit

CrossFit Sydney
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

What's it all about?
CrossFit is about Movement
CrossFit is about Challenage
CrossFit is Learning New Skills
CrossFit is about Application
Crossfit is Transformation
CrossFit is Difficult
CrossFit is about Metal& Physical Adversity
CrossFit is Doing Not Talking

CrossFit is Addictive

WOD 30/1/07
Dead Lift
Rest >2min between attempts

Warm Up
Sprint Drills

3 Rds
3Box Jump
5 Burpees
7 BS Snatch

Add Ons
Single Arm (Neutral Grip)DB Bench Press L,R

Monday, January 29, 2007

CrossFit Sydney Tools of the Trade: KettleBells

CrossFit Sydney
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

Want a KettleBell? Want KettleBell Technique Training?
Talk to Us!
KBs from 4kg to 48kg in stock.

Tools of the Trade: KettleBells
KettleBells are a weight device designed for high rep ballistic moves that involve the whole body. Originally from Russia they were weights used on scales to calculate loads. Now it is a sport in its own right with competitions held in the Clean& Jerk Double and Single and Snatch Double and Single. Competitions are generally set on time and maximum repetitions of the designated move.
For CrossFit, KettleBells are an excellent tool to learn whole body ballistic movement. Its design of a thick handle removed form a compact center of mass creates an ideal tool for ballistic and dynamic movement.

Conditioning comes from the deceleration of the movement. Dynamic movements such as the KB Swing load the hip muscles developing core strength, hip thrust and conditioning the important posterior chain. The offset center of gravity means that each time KB is lifted, the grip and core must work to fight the pull of the weight.

KB use goes well beyond dynamic and ballistic work, with many functional presses such as the Sotts, Bottoms Ups, Palm Press all providing excellent variety in unilateral work.

In Short the KB is an indispensable tool in Functional S&C Training as well as a lot of fun.

WOD 29/1/07
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats

Record Overall time taken
Complete all reps of one exercise before moving to the next.
Warm Up
Record Cals each Interval
3 Rds
5 Tuck Jumps
5 Chin Ups

Sunday, January 28, 2007

CrossFit Sydney What is CrossFit?

CrossFit Sydney
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

What is CrossFit?

The CrossFit protocol is designedby G&L Glassman.
We believe it is ideal base conditioning for people who are looking for a challenaging yet rewarding fitness program for life or for people who actively engage in outdoor pursuits or have intense phsyical challenage as part of their vocation.
CrossFit produces what we believe to be a truly functional fitness level that is highly transferable to all athletic pursuits as well as daily physical tasks.
Crossfit is a foundational Core and Conditioning program that seeks to elicit as broad as adaptation response as possible utilizing training formats derived from Gymnastics, Olympic Weight Lifting, Sprinting and Combat disciplines.
Individuals within the program develop greater understanding of applying force while maximizing strength to weight ratio and functional range of movement. Enhancing individual’s competency in physical tasks by improving Cardiovascular and Respiratory Endurance, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Agility, Coordination and Balance.
What results is the ability to apply strength and power in real world environments and or sports providing either a stand alone conditioning routine or a platform for sport specific performance.
What Crossfit isn’t!
We are not a Sport!
We are not a Hypertrophy or Curves program centered on making you look good in underwear! (Although this may be a result)
We are not Psychiatrists!
We are not a Knitting Group!

WOD 28/1/07
Push Press
Rest >2min between attempts
Record Loads
Warm Up
Shoulder Dislocates
Row 1000m
3 Rds
5 Power Overs
3 Pull Ups
10 Back Extensions
Add Ons
Sumo Deal Lift High Pull

Saturday, January 27, 2007

CrossFit Sydney Credo

CrossFit Sydney
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Morning & Lunch times
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation

You may talk about Crossfit
You are not your WOD Time
You are not your Dead Lift Number
You are not your 5min Snatch
No One Wins a WO
You seek Intensity over Duration
Everyone will experience Attrition
If the WO was easy you didn't WO
If this is your first WO, you must complete as Recommended

WOD 26/1/07
For Time
21,15,9 reps of
60kg Power Clean
Ring Dips
Record overall Time
Warm Up
Sprint Drills
Row 5x
125m:20sec Rest

3 Rds
3 Pull Ups
5 push Ups
10 Box Jumps

Add Ons
Front Squat

CrossFit Sydney Functional Strength?

CrossFit Sydney
Try the Method
Small Group Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD Morning & Lunch times
Sport or Goal Specific PT Sessions Available
For Free Fitness Assessment and Consultation
Andrew@CrossFitSydney.com.auFunctional Strength Conditioning
Functional Strength and Conditioning is the productive application of force. Your productive force applied may be picking up the grand kids,another persons,removing rocks from a garden.
Regardless, productive application of force in training formats is represented perfectly in functional movement patterns. So we mimic in training the most efficient motor recruitment patterns found in everyday life. Functional Strength training therefore becomes more then a method of simply increasing contractile capacity/strength.
Strength is the muscle’s ability to generate large levels of force. Increased force is directly proportional to the cross sectional area of the muscle. Strength as productive force requires in application, agility balance and coordination.
Power is the ability to move large mass though a set range of motion in short period of time. Productive Power or Applied power is to understand acceleration in movement.
Power, speed and strength have essential coordination, accuracy, agility and balance components.
Functional strength training seeks to address all the related issues of relative power & strength in each session.

Function Strength and Conditioning formats should increase the work capacity across broad time and modal domains and produce transferable adaptation of the above aspects.
If your current S&C format does not address these issues then try the Method.

WOD 25/1/07
Complete in as few sets as possible:
45kg Overhead squat, 75 reps

Post number of sets to completion to comments.
Greatest number of reps in any sets breaks ties.

Warm Up
Sprint Drill

3 Rds
3 L Sit Pull up
5 Burpees
10 BS Squat Snatch

Add Ons
Bench Press

CrossFit Sydney Power Development

CrossFit Sydney
Intensity over Duration


Power Development

If power performance is to be maximised then both force and velocity components must be trained. Because the movements distance is usually fixed by the athletes ranges of joint motion, velocity is determined by the time taken to complete the movement. Therefore training using methods that decrease the time over which the movement is produced increases the power output.


WOD 24/1/07
For Time
21,15,9 reps of
100kg DL
Handstand Push Ups
Record load and overall time

Warm Up
Row 1000m
3 Rds
10 Push Ups
5 Pistals L/R
3 Snatch BS

Add Ons
Snatch Drills

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

CrossFit Sydney "For Time"

CrossFit Sydney
Form ,Function, Intensity
Strength and Conditioning for Life
Free Consultation and Fitness Assessment

" For Time"

"For Time" indicates that the WOD will be timed from beginning until completion of all tasks set out.

Why Time a Work Out?

To create a Sense of Urgency: Life and Sport require actions to be completed with the pressure of time placed upon results.The Crossfit Method believes in Intensity and Volume over duration. In order to elicit pressure and maintain intensity within a Work Out, CrossFit WODs add the aspect of performing against the clock.

This "time" becomes a performance reference point when repeating the same workout in the future and gives individuals a goal to work towards.Bettering your Time.

Timing a WO elicits Power Generation.

Power=[Force X Distance]/Time.

By challenging Power Output we fatigue the Systems of the Human Body.Increasing an individuals power output can promote increases in absolute and relative strength, speed and endurance.

Timing a Work Out is all about You!

No one else,and the clock doesn't lie.

Want a faster time then suck in some O2 and crank another rep.

Responsibility Sucks doesn't it!

What Timing a WO isn't!

It isn't a way of comparing oneself against others.

Want to make your training a competitive event,then at least give your other competitors access to standardized equipment,rules and all the strategies that accompany it.This is training not an event!

What about Form?

Form and technique will suffer when going for a best time,however generally it is recommended that beginners concentrate on form and simply allow time to tick by,this will maintain the intensity of the WO in its own right. As your skill level increases then with correct scaling of reps and weights,"For Best Time" can be attempted.However "Best Times" usually accompany repetition's of a WO due to familiarity and improved technique,regardless of whether its an official attempt or not.

WOD 22/1/07

For Time
Run 5km
C2 Row 5000m
Record Time.

Warm Up
Sprint Drill
Add Ons
25,20,15,10,5 reps of
Hanging BK Rise
Back Extension

Monday, January 22, 2007

CrossFit Sydney Scaled WODs

CrossFit Sydney
Strength and Conditioning for Outdoor Activities
Goal and Sport Specific Personal Training
Physical Conditioning for Life
Try the Method
Classes at Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
Free Consultation and Assessment


Scaling Met Con WODs
When a WOD as written is far beyond your capacity whether due to technique or load,it is still doable.
There are several approaches to Scaling for WOs
First Time Attempts

Scale the Reps and Loads
Don't feel confident about the movement involved,not sure if you can even complete this WO,Reduce the load and reps and focus on form and technique.Keep the time as a parameter but disregard it.Focus on understanding the movements involved.
Scale the Load
You understand the movement but find the load recommended well beyond what you can handle.
Reduce the load So that you can finish the reps desired in good form and at steady intensity.This may still mean that mini sets are needed to complete the required reps.
Scale in a Rest Interval
Confident that your technique is up to scratch but worried about lasting the distance.Set an interval rest period between Rds/Sets/Exercises.Decide when your rest interval is needed,preset that interval and use it.This may be as little as 10 secs between sets of thrusters in "Fran" or up to 1-2mins in longer WOD such as "Murph". Over 2min rest tends to compromise the training effect,if this is required in order to continue you may need to consider scaling load/reps or time down first.
Scale the Time
In relation to "Mins For Rds" WOD consider reducing the time (eg:10min Cindy) assess your disposition (destroyed or still standing)Set a rest interval(3~5mins), and continue for another interval (eg:10min Cindy)

WOD 22/1/07
Furious Fifties
For Time
50 Box Jumps 50cm Box
50 Jumping Pull Ups
50 16kg KB Swings
50 Lunge Steps
50 Knee to Elbows
50 20kg BB Push Press
50 Back Extensions
50 10kg Wall Ball
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Record Overall Time

Warm Up

Sprint Drills
3 Chin Ups
5 Tuck Jumps
10 Sit Ups

Saturday, January 20, 2007

CrossFitSydney What's the CFT?

CrossFit Sydney
Try the Method
Classes Monday~Friday
Cook&Phillip Centre CBD Morning & Lunch
For Free Fitness Assesment and Consultation

CrossFit Total
This WOD is a way of determining your 1 Rep Max for the 3 Central Lifts of Squat,Press and Pull (Deadlift).
This total will give you a reference point to compare future WOs and a method of caluating approx loads for other strength based protocols used in the WODs[eg: 5x5,7x3]
Ideally you should have some approx loads in your mind for 5 Rep Max, 3 Rep Max and 1 Rep Max.

How do I go about it?

Warm Up

Aproach the first lift by doing 15 to 20 reps at a light weight paying attention to form.[eg:empty bar]
Perform 5 reps at a greater load but below your 5 rep max.
Perform 3 reps at a greater loads but below your 3rep max
Perform a Heavy single at approx 3 RepMax
You are ready.
You have 3 attempts to achieve the best 1Rep Max you can perform.
Rest >3mins between attempts
Gee yourself the F up,or get your partner to charge you up!!(feel free to be creative in this process and send all photos or vids to CrossFit Sydney)
First Attempt
Your 3 Rep Max or slightly above[Use the result [Fail or Clean lift] to determine whether to attempt more or less load. ]-Rest
Second Attempt
Your 2 Rep Max or slightly above[Use the result [Fail or Clean lift] to determine whether to attempt more or less load.] -Rest
Third Attempt
Load what you believe to be your Maximal Effort,attempt the Lift.Your performance in the previous two lifts should guide your load.
Continue the Process for the next Lift.
Some Precautions From Coach M Rippetoe
Don't be a F ing Idiot
Don't CFT if you are injured to the extent that a CFT will aggravate the problem.
Don't Overreach
Be ambitious not greedy.
Don't Cheat
This is a test,its designed to measure whats there,not create something that's not.
That's what training is for.

WOD 21/1/07
"CrossFit Total"
Back Squat 1rep
Shoulder Press 1 rep
Dead Lift 1 rep

Record Loads and add together for CFT

Warm Up
Row 3x
500m 1min Rest

10 Push Ups
5 Box Jumps

Friday, January 19, 2007

CrossFit Sydney Strength

Try the CrossFit Method
Classes Monday - Friday: Morning and Lunchtime,
45mins sessions at Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
One to One PT work available by appointment
Free Consultation and Fitness Assessment

"Our contention that strength is the "productive application of force" adds important athletic application to coordination, accuracy, agility, and balance and challenges popular distinctions between technique and strength.

Most functional movement is initiated by large muscle groups and terminates with smaller muscle groups in a core to extremity relay of increasing velocity. "

G Glassman

20mins for Rds
5 Chin Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

20min for Rds
5 Hand Stand push ups
10 Alt Pistols
15 Chin Ups

Record Rds complete and fractions

Add On

Mobility Drills

CrossFit Sydney Function

CrossFit Sydney
Small Group and One to Onew Sport Specific training available

“the work a thing is designed to do, fulfill, operate with regard to mainly the utilitarian”
Broad is the range of uses one can find for the Human body; Specialization is the method for many. One component at a time.
Function implies utility and so we mimic in training the most efficient motor recruitment patterns found in everyday life. Functional Movements are mechanically sound and when taught with correct form are safe in slow or dynamic application.

WOD 18/1/07
Rest >2mins between attempts

Warm Ups
Sprint Drills

5 Tuck Jumps
15 Push ups
Add Ons
Bench Press
5x 3

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

CrossFit Sydney Power Ratio's

Try the CrossFit Method
Classes Monday - Friday: Morning and Lunchtime,
45mins sessions at Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
One to One PT work available by appointment
Free Consultation and Fitness Assessment

Chasing the Power Ratio

Why we train to maximize the Power to Mass Ratio.

Power = Work/Time
Work = Force x distance

Power involves more then just this formula entails. Power is functional strength expressed in terms of acceleration, execution time or velocity in a given motor skill or kinetic chain rather then isolated exercise. Power is to generate/apply force, which requires other key areas of agility, speed, reaction and range of movement.
Increasing Power means to increase other areas of motor skill and kinetic movement such as relative strength, speed, agility and range of movement. The training of these key factors goes together to increase both Aerobic and Anaerobic capacity by focusing on the interrelated Energy Systems of the Phosphagen and Fast & Slow Glycolysis.
Regardless of your Goals increasing your power ratio will aid competency in movement and performance.

WOD 17/1/07

3Rds For Time
Run 400m
21 reps 24kg KB Swings
12 Kipping Chin Ups

Record Overall Time

Warm Up
Sprint Drill
3 Rds
15 Back Extensions
10 Push Ups
5 BS Snatch

3 Chin Ups
5 Swing KB

Add Ons
Shoulder Press

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

CrossFit Sydney Power Endurance

Try the CrossFit Method of Strength and Conditioning

Classes Monday - Friday: Morning and Lunchtime,
45mins sessions at Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
One to One PT work available by appointment
Free Consultation and Fitness Assessment

Power Endurance

The ability to exert force earilier in a movement plays a vital role in many atheltic and everyday activities.Power Endurance is to exert force in fluid acceleration while under attrition from stressors.Conditioning in this manner creates strength as the force capalibility of the muscle for actions ranging from fasterst eccentric to fastest concentric.

Fast Powerfull movment even under fatigue.
CrossFit Conditioning

WOD 15/1/07
Front Squat M.E.
Rest >2min between Attempts
Record Loads

Warm Up
3 Rds
KB Snatch 3L/R
5 Push Ups
7 Pull Ups
9 Back Extensions

Add Ons
OverHead Squat
3x5 for ROM

Sunday, January 14, 2007

CrossFit Sydney Skills

CrossFit Sydney
Form, Function,Intensity
Try the Method

Learning new skills and refining old skills is an ongoing aspect of CrossFit Conditioning.This is not your sports practise nor is it a Competition,tasks are set to be completed in the best form possible.Skills exposed too will require practise and ongoing correction and will aid the Conditioning aspects of the WOD.
WOD and CrossFit Conditioning seeks to expose individuals to the basics of movement in large ranges of motion set in Challenging formats.This often requires an underrated metal aspect to the WOD.

WOD 14/1/07
For Time
Row 1000m
Bench Press BW 30 reps
Row 1000m
BP BW 20 reps
Row 1000m
BP BW 10reps
Record Overall Time

Warm Up
2min on 30secs Rest

10 Split Lunges
5 Plyo Push Ups
Add Ons
30,25,20,15,10 reps of
Back Extensions
Sit Ups

Saturday, January 13, 2007

CrossFit Sydney M.E.

CrossFit Sydney
Form, Function, Intensity
Classes Monday-Friday 0700 0800
Cook & Phillip Aquatic Centre CBD

M.E. Methods

1.Increase the load until you hit failure,make sure you have a spotter to assit to top of movement then work down the weight.
2.Know your Max? Then work up to it and try to complete 5 or more singles with the your Max.
3. After hitting Failure weight, continue to attempt Chins with an assit to the top of movement, Lock off for 2 seconds,work the concentric(eg in the Chin Up the Lowing phase) movement in slow controlled fashion.

WOD 12/1/07
Weighted Neutral Grip Strict Chin Up(use Dip Belt)
Rest >2min between each attempt

Warm Up
Sprint Drills
1 Pull Up
5 Push Ups
Add Ons
KB Long Cycle C&J

Thursday, January 11, 2007

CrossFit Sydney Foundations

Come try the CrossFit Method
Classes Monday - Friday: Morning and Lunchtime,
45mins sessions at Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
One to One PT work available by appointment
Free Consultation and Fitness Assessment

CrossFit Foundations

CrossFit Conditioning seeks to perform the basics of movement correctly, efficiently and at high intensity.

Time is spent Correcting the Squat, the Press, the Pull of many BW and Weighted Movements.

The most simple BW exercise such as the Chin Up ,the Push Up, the BW Squat are often performed incorrectly or inefficiently.Yet these movement are the foundations of many weighted exercises.Practise and ongoing corrections and refinement of the basics are integral to CrossFit conditioning.

WOD 11/1/07

20mins for Rds

1Rds =
100m Sprint
24kg KB 12 swings
10 Kipping Pull Ups
Record total Rds Completed and Fractions

Warm Up
2min Rest

10 Push Ups
15 Back Extensions
Add Ons
KB Press

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

CrossFitSydney Fit or CrossFit??

Fit or CrossFit
Try the Method
Group Classes Monday -Friday morning
Cook & Phillip Center CBD
PT Sessions by appointment

Fit or CrossFit?

CrossFit is a base strength and conditioning format seeking to be as broad and functional as possible.
The primary focus is to develop increases in relative strength to body weight ratio and create greater efficiency within the anaerobic system.
CrossFit will work your weaknesses and challenge you with new skills. Developing a highly transferable form of fitness that can be a stand alone program or base conditioning for sport specific goals.

WOD 10/1/07

20mins For Rds
1 Rds=
12reps 30kg Power Snatch
10 Push Ups

Record total Rds completed and fractions

Warm Up
125m rest 10sec

3Chin Ups
5 Back Extensions
10 BS Over Head Squats

Add Ons
Bench Press

2x 2min Plank hold 1min Rest

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

CrossFit Sydney What's a M.E. Day?

Come try the CrossFit Method
Classes Monday - Friday: Morning and Lunchtime, 45mins sessions at Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
One to One PT work available by appointment
Free Consultation and Fitness Assessment
Contact Andrew@CrossFitSydney.com.au

What's a M.E. Days?

M.E. stands for Maximal Effort.

These days focus on increasing individuals relative strength through weight bearing protocols built around compound movements.

CrossFit Sydney will instruct and correct technique for the following lifts on most M.E. Days.

The Big 3


the Squat

Military or Standing BB Shoulder Press

the Dead Lift.

Other Slow Lifts Include

Bench Press

Front Squat

Overhead Squat
Weighted Chin Ups

Other Ballistic Lifts Include

Clean & Jerk and break downs

Snatch and break downs

WOD 9/1/07

20mins for Rds

1 Rd =

12 reps 30kg Thruster

10 Kipping Chin Ups

Warm Up

3x500m 1min Rest

3 Rds
5 Broom Stick Thruster
10 Push Ups
10 Tuck Jumps

Add Ons
30,20,15,10 reps for Time
Sit Ups
Back Extensions

Saturday, January 06, 2007

CrossFit Sydney What's a WOD??

Come try the CrossFit Method of Strength and Conditoining
Classes Monday - Friday: Morning and Lunchtime 45mins sessions at Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
One to One PT work available by appointment
Free Consultation and Fitness Assessment

What's a WOD?

WOD stands for Work Out of the Day. A main focus routine for that day. It is a basic template of a conditioning routine as written by G&L Glassman. We will post a WOD on a 3 day on 1 day off protocol from the CrossFit HQ Site.

How best to use the WOD.

You may wish to do the WOD by yourself although we recommend coaching on a one to one basis or group sessions.
Many parts of the WOD most will know,other items may be unfamiliar to you,we recommend searching out coaching for aspects of the WOD that you find complex.

CrossFit Sydney WODs

At CrossFit Sydney we give people the tools and skills to do WODs as per the individuals ability.Skills are taught and technique corrected to make the main WOD an effective conditioning tool for everybody.
Classes and one to one coaching consists typically of

Warm Ups and Mobility Drills

Movement Fundamentals and Technique (refining the Basics of BW and Compound exercises)

Main WOD (Strength and Conditioning focus of the Day set in a Task Completion Basis)

Warm Down Mobility and Flexibility Drills

WOD 7/1/07

Dead Lift
2min Rest between attempts

Warm Up
Row 2000m

Add Ons
Bench Press

CrossFit Sydney Strength and Conditioning

Come try the CrossFit Method of Strength and Conditoining
Classes Monday - Friday: Morning and Lunchtime 45mins sessions at Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
One to One PT work available by appointment
Free Consultation and Fitness Assessment


Shoulder Press
Rest 2min between Attempts

Warm Up

Sprint Drills

3 Rds
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Back Extensions

Add Ons
Weighted Chin Ups Neutral Grip

Friday, January 05, 2007

CrossFitSydney 007

Come try the CrossFit Method of Strength and Conditoining
Classes Monday - Friday: Morning and Lunchtime 45mins sessions at Cook&Phillip Centre CBD
One to One PT work available by appointment

Time to get back into it!


Work Deep.

Warm Up
Sprint Drills
Row 1000m


3 Chin Ups
5 Push Ups
10 Back Extensions
15 OHS

Add Ons
Weighted Pronated Chin Ups